Example sentences of "and [verb] so [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The wartime bombers did n't seem to care what went up ; by contrast the PIRA did and cared so deliberately as to set out selectively to destroy what is now an illusion — the sanctity of hospital in which , regardless of loyalty or background , so many thousands of victims of our vicious little civil war have received care since those nights in August 1969 .
2 Many congratulations and a warm welcome should be given to Dorling Kindersley , the first general publisher to recognise that there is ELT potential in its list and to go so far as to publish an ELT catalogue .
3 But her pouch has a muscle around its mouth which contracts like a draw-string and shuts so tightly when she goes into the water that her young are in no danger of drowning .
4 However Ingres reports increasing interest from other sectors and goes so far as to suggest that the Enhanced Security features may become an optional part of the standard Ingres database in the release after next .
5 Larissa talks of going beyond structuralism and goes so far as to disown it : ‘ of course I am not a structuralist I never have been I merely played with it ’ ( 84/662 ) .
6 He could n't tell when the singing came to an end , or the Archbishop 's voice was first raised , addressing the city ; offering it God 's peace and succour so long as the Feast of Christ lasted .
7 Unfortunately , as has often happened in developing countries as well , he completely underestimated the people 's desire for land , and went so far as to oppose the implementation of the Land Settlement Act .
8 Peel reckoned with the prospect of violent conflict between the Government and the trade unions ; and went so far as to enquire into the practicability of organizing the middle classes against them .
9 For various reasons the main one of which was a lack of understanding of our problems , our local administration were often unsympathetic and went so far as to accuse us of non co-operation at times , especially in the matter of rest days .
10 Reasoning powers can deteriorate : people may begin to think irrationally ( and do so even though they know they are doing so ) ; they may begin to get paranoid , feeling that others are slyly poking fun at them , excluding them from discussions , or being condescending or patronizing .
11 All later forms of religion have to handle this problem , and do so even though they use different means .
12 I would not normally reveal such matters , and do so only because the hon. Member for Dagenham , who was not present at the discussions , was nevertheless involved in putting out a press release after the discussions .
13 In one account of the visit , it is said that the Emperor was loathe to allow the doctor to leave China and did so only after Garvine appealed to him on the grounds that he wished to return to Scotland and attend to his aged and ailing father .
14 I have nothing against thorns and prickles so long as you can admire them from a safe distance .
15 Some fat old hag in a dirty apron came and said so far as she knew you were in hospital .
16 Bricks and mortar so far as I 'm concerned .
17 This fertile region , hollowed out and enriched so far as the soil is concerned by glaciation , was once known as the Pays tea Quatre Vallées , and Arreau was its capital , being another of the small centres which flourished in the years when the trans-Pyrenean trade with Spain was at its height .
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