Example sentences of "and [noun] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I think negotiations involved your own department , Education and DoMIS at the time .
2 Charged with meting out rights and privileges for all beings and entities at the time of Creation , he carried a small leather pouch on one hip containing the charms for immortality and reincarnation , while a large stone bucket to his other side contained materials for instigating death and decay .
3 It must be stressed that these aspects can only be considered in the context of the tax rates and rules at the time .
4 I was away with my mother and sister at the time , but my father was in the house .
5 They traded in spices , wool , silk and money at a time when Augsburg and Ingolstadt lay on the main trade route from the Mediterranean to the Baltic .
6 Four patients had cholestasis and stricture at the time of the first diagnostic procedure .
7 The same story could be read in an expanded and slightly modified form in the Historiae Philippicae by Trogus Pompeius , a Celt who retailed Massaliote traditions and nostalgias at the time of Augustus .
8 In order to answer this last question it is necessary to look briefly at the type of anthropological work available to Marx and Engels at the time they were writing .
9 Inevitably there were problems of intra- and inter-institutional conflict and jealousies at a time when three tiers of administration — the city , the county and central government — were all involved .
10 Sydney Doran , 25 , was serving a sentence for robbery and theft at the time of the disturbance two years ago .
11 ‘ All the back-slapping and thanks at the time have been forgotten .
12 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
13 And now comes the Armonk bombshell : it is committed to IBM 's RS/6000 and PowerPC at a time when everything that bears the IBM name has overnight become tainted .
14 Now what we 've got here , if you look at the F T for ten thousand in force policies , we 've got a significant jump in January and February at a time when our budget posting was down below budget .
15 Did you go with you know your friends and comrades at the time ?
16 Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis .
17 If it did not spring out of contract it must , I apprehend , have arisen ( if at all ) from the relative situation and circumstances of the defendants and plaintiff at the time of the occurrence of the act of negligence .
18 I was a member of the health service team supporting Elizabeth and Helen at the time of the move and I have stayed in touch with them since , as a friend and advocate .
19 The Reformation came to Slovenia and Croatia at a time when the Turkish threat was at its height .
20 He was wearing a shirt and trousers at the time ; these were unmarked .
21 In connection with the Carrefour du développement ( Development Crossroads ) development aid scandal which came to light in mid-1986 the Commission d'instruction of the High Court on April 4 , 1990 , brought an end to investigations into the activities of Christian Nucci , the ( Socialist ) Minister-Delegate for Co-operation and Development at the time [ see pp. 35126 ; 36706 ] .
22 Can you recall your thoughts and feelings at the time ?
23 The Milanese used the event to reset watches and clocks at a time when there was no acceptable absolute measure of time .
24 But what he did come to recognise was the inadequacy of existing literature : ‘ I realised that the main writers on history and statistics at the time had done very little research and were relying on a few books .
25 Another polyphosphate used is sodium hexametaphosphate the choice of which is often governed by availability and price at the time .
26 Mr Justice Mantell said that Paul Taylor , 27 , who was nearing the end of a three-and-a-half-year term for theft and assault at the time of the riot in April , 1990 , had taken part in some of the worst violence .
27 figure 1 shows the fasting plasma concentrations of gastrin and CCK at the time of death .
28 There were also teachers in the sample who were grappling with several complex long-term and short-term schedules and forecasts at a time , and others whose only apparent work plan was to set up a succession of ad hoc activities with little long-term coherence or progression .
29 The shares were the remainder of those allotted to Abbey National savers and borrowers at the time of its flotation .
30 For both historians and activists at the time , Labour 's defeat in the 1931 and MacDonald 's " betrayal " are inseparable …
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