Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Restrict this colour to large areas such as walls , carpet or curtaining and build up from here , introducing one or two further colours or tones of one shade , and adding interest with patterns and texture .
2 If none , start this lunch-time with a gentle walk and build up from there , taking exercise at least three times a week .
3 There is a strong tradition in philosophy which holds that we start from knowledge of our own sensory states and build up from there .
4 I looked at myself properly and carried on from there .
5 In London she settled in Highgate and ventured out from there on the variation of the Grand Tour that beckoned for the young in Europe in the mid 1960s : Paris , Rome , Turkey , Lebanon , Jordan , Tunisia , and across north Africa .
6 Kahnweiler in Der Weg zum Kubismus is probably echoing conversations with Braque when he writes : ‘ Representation of the position of objects in space is done as follows : instead of beginning from a supposed foreground and going on from there to give an illusion of depth by means of perspective , the painter begins from a definite and clearly defined background .
7 Three times she stopped before reaching Charing Cross , abruptly breaking the current of pedestrians so people stepped around her , glancing , while she said , ‘ No … ’ and turned back from where she had come , only to turn again , move on .
8 In addition there was always one band playing and marching to the playing fields and another playing and marching away from there , while huge coaches carrying yet more bandsmen and women manoeuvred in the narrow streets into and out of parking spaces .
9 ‘ We 'd better call Larry in and get away from here , quick , ’ she heard Butch say .
10 Come on , we 've got to cross the ford and get away from here before — ’
11 Now I am looking for a new start and go on from there . ’
12 I just introduced her , said that she was a female and went on from there .
13 I expect they just put two and two together and went on from there . ’
14 Glover 's year began badly and went downhill from there .
15 Therefore all understanding , in any way worthy the name , has to begin from the whole of reality as such , and proceed outwards from there to the details of the world as we know it .
16 She reached the buffer and rolled out from underneath the freight car , safe in the knowledge she was on the sniper 's blindspot .
17 It is part of the spontaneous process which reason guides ; inference is indispensable to criticize and correct its spontaneous assimilations and differentiations , but can never abolish them and start again from logically impregnable foundations .
18 I was greatly encouraged by the good spirit of the meeting and have been very heartened since then by the mature christian attitude of a number of people who were strongly opposed to the project , but who have been willing to accept the decision of the church meeting and move on from there .
19 Well , certainly people are satisfied with where we 've got to and want to draw a line underneath it and move on from there , and I think the prospect of going back to the constitution er issues , and they m once again being a key focus , I do n't think anyone in the Party , or outside the Party , sees the Labour Party wanting to devote itself to that at this time .
20 Boness handled 125,000 tons in 1860 and increased steadily from thereon .
21 I lifted John 's head carefully with both hands and slipped out from beneath it .
22 It is a black weatherboarded post mill and dates partly from around 1635 , although it was rebuilt in the eighteenth century after gale damage .
23 assume that they 're at that level when they come to us and follow on from there .
24 and take off from there .
25 Hodge had pursued policies from his arrival in Korea designed to strengthen the opposition to communism and to move away from rather than towards cooperation with the Soviet Union .
26 The two-day exhibition , being held at Great Tey Primary School , opened yesterday and continues today from 10am to 3pm .
27 It 's full of useful information , from essential details on health matters to how to get to the airport and phone home from abroad ; from where to park your care at the airport and how to get the best possible tan .
28 The two speeches which I have just analysed are probably the two greatest ones in the play as they both change the storyline dramatically , but Marc Antony 's speech having the better effect on the plebeians which seems unfair , as he was dishonest and Brutus was n't , yet he won the ‘ word ’ battle and lead on from there to become greater and greater in power .
29 Then cost it all out and work backwards from there seeing what you really can afford — and can afford to be without .
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