Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Improv provides business an professional users with a unique set of capabilities for dynamic viewing and analysis , and , for building spreadsheets that can be easily reused , modified and shared over a long lifecycle .
2 Hastings , who has played only 40 minutes on the tour , increased speculation that all was not well when he declined a round of golf today significant as the Watsonians star is a golf fanatic and plays off a seven handicap .
3 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
4 She opened the door and gazed down a splendid vista of reception rooms that opened out one into the next , which Buzz had learned was typical of grand French houses .
5 Which Nick 's chewed up and spat out a Hula Hoop with water added .
6 FORTY-FIVE people were killed last night when an excursion coach careered off a Spanish motorway and plunged down a steep embankment .
7 I do n't remember him doing much digging in the garden but in my memory he is always mowing the lawn and fussing over a particular type of grass which evaded the blades and sprang back upright after the mower had passed over it .
8 Here too the distinction was not absolute , and hides many other differences ; but the bulk of the lower clergy were half educated at best , and led quite a different life from their superiors .
9 She lifted a hand to her face and wiped away a greasy sheen of sweat .
10 It was not itself a centre of manufacturing , but it outstripped all other ports as a point of transit for English exports and became thereby a major entrepot of international trade .
11 His red , lumpy features were transfigured and he stopped being a badly assembled mass of fleshy fragments and became instead a vital man .
12 The snail is hermaphrodite … and as long as it enjoys the right warmth and humidity , each individual mates and produces about a hundred eggs which are laid on trays of soil.They hatch a fortnight later.And they 're fattened on a cereal diet … either in trays or in polyeurathane tubs .
13 ‘ It was great to work with supreme professionals and to see how a big club like Spurs was run .
14 Paid-in capital by member countries amounts to about 10 per cent of subscribed capital and represents only a small part of the total funds obtained by the EIB .
15 We must have the faith that vision can be developed in men just as creativity can be — it is trainable and represents only a higher evolutionary development and it is , therefore , open to all human beings .
16 Roughly speaking , the quality is determined by location in the vineyard , which can be divided into bands : the most northerly band , elevated at a height of between 180 and 220 metres , comprises some of the finest grand cru slopes in all Champagne and represents about a third of Bouzy 's hectarage ; below this is a wide strip situated at a height of between 160 and 180 metres which , in my estimation , should hold the rank of a top premier cru ; the lowest band , at about 170 metres , runs around the flat northern edge of the village and produces vines of a markedly inferior quality .
17 PREMIER John Major yesterday assured the Chancellor his job was safe and ruled out a festive Cabinet shake-up .
18 Then I 'm going to take another triangular bandage and I 'm going to open it up and make just a little fold , this is going to go on her forehead and that little fold just helps with keeping it firm and stopping the bandage slip , now , just put it around the forehead like that , okay ?
19 This allowed us to line the side curtains in striped fabric and make up a flat roof instead of a gathered one .
20 Clear away topsoil and make up a simple formwork of timber supported by pegs set on the outside .
21 Erm so do you feel that in the years that you 've worked here are women just as important in the factory and make up a large part of the workforce now as they , as they 've ever done ?
22 When the children arrive you give them each a balloon and make up a convenient number of teams .
23 It was typical of the thoroughness of his approach that he immediately decided to visit sixteen gaols in nearby counties so that he could gauge the extent of the evil , look for alternative solutions and make out a proper case for reform .
24 This project unites a joint team of British and French economists and lawyers from the Universities of Sussex and Grenoble to review the existing evidence in a dispassionate collaborative manner to try to develop a common view and to carry out a limited number of new investigations in areas of particular sensitivity .
25 Sort of looking out of your window and seeing just a blank concrete wall in front of you , day after day after day .
26 The pressures of war also diverted Great Power attention away from East Asia , leaving Japan a freer hand to extend her interests there and bringing about a permanent weakening in the ability of Western powers to influence affairs in the area .
27 British seamen in the US deserted in droves , alarming the new British government and bringing about a revived dialogue not only on seamen 's complaints about the inadequacy of British pay , the constantly recurring problems of loss of wages and effects when torpedoed and the inroad made by railway fares when they were paid off from diverted ships , but also on the dangerous state of mind of seamen who were incensed by the conviction that they were constantly subject to neglect , mishandling and coercion .
28 There was the time , too , when he kept a Wellington side very much under wraps before a Ranfurly Shield challenge against Auckland , and then took the hugh gamble of removing his best five-eighths , Steve Pokere , from fly-half to centre , and bringing in a new youngster — a gamble which failed quite spectacularly .
29 He says he would shuffle the formation , using a more traditional midfield , and bringing in a wide man such as Barnes , Paul Merson or John Salako .
30 For many months opinion polls had showed high popular support for Markovic and his government , overwhelmingly a reflection of their success in rescuing the economy by wiping out Yugoslavia 's hyper-inflation and bringing in a convertible dinar [ see p. 37194 ; p. 37541 ] .
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