Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some more crag rats were further proving the delights of Yorkshire limestone , holding on to ledges with their eyelashes and hanging on to spars of rock by their nostrils , swarming in a team of a dozen or so all over the face of the scar like a plague of dayglo flies .
2 Pamella ! ’ and I 'm just freaking out and hanging on to Tim Taylor , trying to get to the plane , and I 'm wearing this scarf on my head to cover my face and they had pulled a straw — they said this ! — for who was going to tear the veil from my face and this fat guy got it and ripped it , pulled my hair , poked me in the eye — I was physically assaulted !
3 Instead the room was light and airy , lit by fluorescent lights and smelling pleasantly of air freshener .
4 The general purpose of exploratory statistics , as the name suggests , is to help investigators to take a good look at patterns in data and to search around for ideas about the form these patterns take .
5 Matthew Evans was to split his role and that the hunt was on for a new m.d. , rumours that Mr Evans was ‘ bailing out ’ and the company was on the block were fanned by the trade 's more supportive friends at Private Eye and pounced on by publishers overexcited at the prospect of getting their hands on , if not the company , then at least some of its authors .
6 The car wallowed around the last bend in the descent and cruised across in front of the school gates leaving two trails of dust behind .
7 There was also a regular police force , but during the first half of the nineteenth century it was small , poorly paid , and limited largely to Colombo , Galle , and areas where there were coffee plantations .
8 From the 16th to the 19th century , in some places even into the present century , exploitation of polar resources has been largely unmanaged , and limited only by market satiation .
9 The term itself was coined in the 1930s and arose originally from studies of schizophrenia , though it has since proved equally ( if not more ) applicable to psychotics with other diagnoses , notably mania .
10 Board members needed to feel that training was meeting their specific needs and arose directly from needs .
11 Afterwards the gods ' puris were torn up and shared out as prasād .
12 Several proprietary fertilizers , mixed and formulated specifically for roses , show a marked bias in favour of one or other element .
13 The social fund is a scheme which makes loans and grants mainly to people getting income support .
14 The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine and whipped up into meringue peaks .
15 A thin layer already covered the frost-hardened ground , and clung delicately to tree-branches , clothes-lines and back-garden bric-à-brac .
16 But to others , he was a stubborn old man , in constant physical pain , who harassed his opponents , drove his ministers to resign and clung ignominiously to power after losing his once-crushing parliamentary majority .
17 No good to sit under beautiful Italian trees amongst beautiful Italian peasants and inveigh petulantly against miners and respectable women .
18 His situation was not unlike Forester 's in that he was cold , sleeping badly and eating out of tins warmed on a small portable stove .
19 Pushing north the following day , the Nez Perce looted a wagon-train , killing three teamsters , and skirmished briefly with soldiers from Fort Benton .
20 He has been particularly praised as an exponent of the French repertoire and plays regularly for Radio France and in French concert halls .
21 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
22 This issue of Action newsletter is the first to be typeset , designed and laid out on desktop publishing ( DTP ) equipment which has recently been installed at WACC 's offices in London .
23 And that 's I I had a quick er look through last year 's sales and and laid out in fact I went through item deliveries and worked them into the months
24 Plant was installed by Works staff and planned and laid out by Richard Hagley , the works Machinery and Plant Superintendent , and his staff of technicians .
25 The location of a builder 's work is continuously changing , and labour is frequently engaged at the commencement of a project and laid off upon completion .
26 From 1815 he used potentised remedies for the toxic and insoluble inert materials such as Silica , Carbo Veg etc. and dosed directly with drops of the less poisonous mother tinctures such as Bryonia , Pulsatilla , Rhus Tox .
27 The importance of maintaining links and collaborating effectively with parents and children is also indicated in the literature ( Department of Health and Social Security , 1985 ; Aldgate et al . ,
28 Taking the plunge at Antrim and stroking out for Battery Point seven miles away on Sunday , September 19 , will be Glen Lindsay , Tina Donnelly , Shawn Cavlin and Kieran O'Neill .
29 His father was a German-Jewish refugee and his mother Welsh , but Wartberg was an aggressive anglophile , given to wearing tweed suits and blathering on about flower growing , law and order , the decline of British standards ( he had just obtained one for his best-selling valve ) , the prohibitive business rate and so on .
30 He just sat in his chair and gazed up at Granny 's picture in its faded gilt frame .
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