Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead the room was light and airy , lit by fluorescent lights and smelling pleasantly of air freshener .
2 The car wallowed around the last bend in the descent and cruised across in front of the school gates leaving two trails of dust behind .
3 From the 16th to the 19th century , in some places even into the present century , exploitation of polar resources has been largely unmanaged , and limited only by market satiation .
4 Afterwards the gods ' puris were torn up and shared out as prasād .
5 The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine and whipped up into meringue peaks .
6 But to others , he was a stubborn old man , in constant physical pain , who harassed his opponents , drove his ministers to resign and clung ignominiously to power after losing his once-crushing parliamentary majority .
7 He has been particularly praised as an exponent of the French repertoire and plays regularly for Radio France and in French concert halls .
8 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
9 This issue of Action newsletter is the first to be typeset , designed and laid out on desktop publishing ( DTP ) equipment which has recently been installed at WACC 's offices in London .
10 And that 's I I had a quick er look through last year 's sales and and laid out in fact I went through item deliveries and worked them into the months
11 The location of a builder 's work is continuously changing , and labour is frequently engaged at the commencement of a project and laid off upon completion .
12 Taking the plunge at Antrim and stroking out for Battery Point seven miles away on Sunday , September 19 , will be Glen Lindsay , Tina Donnelly , Shawn Cavlin and Kieran O'Neill .
13 His father was a German-Jewish refugee and his mother Welsh , but Wartberg was an aggressive anglophile , given to wearing tweed suits and blathering on about flower growing , law and order , the decline of British standards ( he had just obtained one for his best-selling valve ) , the prohibitive business rate and so on .
14 He just sat in his chair and gazed up at Granny 's picture in its faded gilt frame .
15 I knelt and gazed around in astonishment .
16 He lowered his hand and gazed out to sea again .
17 Then he went over to the window , and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court for several minutes , frowning and pushing his lower lip up alternately .
18 He went over to the window and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court .
19 The second part is the most complete and up-to-date account so far of works by Piero Manzoni , organised in tandem with the biographical/historical part , documented by 1101 pieces and divided typologically for ease of consultation and to explain the artist 's modus operandi .
20 Gilles Peyroulet is opening a new space on 16 January at 7 rue Debelleyme and kicks off with sculpture by Jurgen Albrecht , simple geometric forms of paper and card which reflect and absorb light .
21 I should not run home and stay here in fear , for my sister can not harm me .
22 I used to go and stay there at Christmastime , after Father died , and there was always a nice present on the juniper tree for me and lots of good things to eat .
23 but when you come and sit here at night
24 Clearly they should behave with dignity and sit quietly at home waiting to die .
25 Can you two go and sit down with daddy please cos this is getting silly .
26 Go and sit down with daddy please .
27 Holly stood beside a poorly dug hole and he looked down at a T-shaped junction of pipes and saw that the screw-fastened aperture that gave access to the pipe join and its subsidiary were swathed in doth and knotted around in plastic sheeting .
28 SEPA 'S role was originally seen as a clearing house for exchanging ideas and information about science curriculum development and as a means of supporting and strengthening national bodies in member states in their efforts towards improving the learning of science , but under effective direction , it has extended its interest and influence further towards interest in evaluation , child development and the relationship between the materials and approaches developed in science and the evolution of the primary curriculum as a whole .
29 Inside the jar the cream was whipped up , light as a soufflé , and smelled delicately of mimosa .
30 Mrs Gould was covered in flour and smelled faintly of gin .
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