Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] with a " in BNC.

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1 ( Some pocket calculators will do this ; otherwise one obtains a random integer of 5 or 6 digits from a random number table and precedes it with a decimal point . )
2 The offender drove up behind the victim as she was walking in the street one evening with her daughter , aged two and a half , and attacked her with a hammer , striking her two blows on the leg and one on the knee .
3 ‘ Damnation ’ will approach his target and introduce himself with an opening line which usually goes something like , ‘ Hi .
4 To achieve this change of direction , we will negotiate Performance Agreements with each health authority and back them with an Incentive Fund to reward authorities to perform well .
5 At Manhattanville they stopped to water the horses and to refresh themselves with a drink of lemonade from an inn .
6 She was nearly home and someone jumped out at her and battered her with a piece of wood .
7 Jimmy had the gun in his hands now , and levelled it with a cool and grim purpose at Rohmer .
8 Three things I 've always wanted to do : go to Machu Picchu , put my foot in Lake Titicaca and make it with an oriental chick .
9 Alter that first crowded day I retired to one of those green-tiled sanctuaries and lathered myself with a new bar of a famous toilet soap which Helen had put in my bag .
10 The Report of the Data Protection Committee was published late in 1978 , a bad time for political initiatives : within a few months the new Conservative Government was in office and contenting itself with a fresh and laborious round of further consultations — there seemed little likelihood of anything being done until , in 1981 , the Council of Europe , as part of its concern with human rights , opened its ‘ Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Data Processing ’ for signature by States which had appropriate legislation enacted .
11 Shiona twisted round and pierced him with a look .
12 In a sense then , the fate of Simmel 's work is at present parallel to that of Hegel 's , in as much as later authorities have appropriated his ideas and aligned them with a theory of rupture seen as specific to capitalism .
13 Like the Eighties terrace tearaways in Britain who showed up for the match in Barbour jackets and deerstalkers , these B- boys were appropriating the ruling class style and parading it with a sardonic grin .
14 Jitters took careful aim , and got him with a headshot .
15 So we spent the night at a cheap bed and breakfast nearby , and fortified ourselves with a breakfast of sausages , bacon and eggs .
16 The only sounds came from the other end of the room where the woman was splitting the artichokes and tossing them with a splash into a big plastic bowl .
17 I would like to take each tent by the comer and pull it down , and I would untether all the neat horses and the sleek , brushed bulls and send them with a huge cry into all the hills .
18 To order , please complete the coupon below and send it with a UK cheque/PO ( not cash ) to : Esquire Hip-flask Offer , Offer Number 5 and/or Esquire Binoculars Offer , Offer Number 6 , PO Box 6 , Kettering , Northants NN15 5JW .
19 Complete the coupon below and send it with a cheque/postal order made payable to Gardeners ' World Soakerhose Offer .
20 He pounded Benichou to the body and caught him with a right cross to the chin at the end of the first .
21 Holly had filled the plastic bag with oil and twisted the neck tight and fastened it with a snip of wire .
22 Barbara Coleman stopped pouring and fixed her with a very severe look .
23 ‘ Next ! ’ she plainsonged and fixed me with an old-fashioned look from behind her lorgnette .
24 After a reviving sip of coffee , she took a deep breath , flipped off her dark glasses , and fixed him with a level gaze .
25 Drawing No. 78 has this comment : ‘ This Plate exhibits one of these new buildings which afford comforts the poor inhabitants of the picturesque seldome enjoy ; but it is but just to observe that the wealthy residents in Ambleside , natives and strangers , are exceedingly attentive to the wants of the needy , and supply them with a discriminating kindness that does equal honour to their heads and to their hearts . ’
26 Another essential ingredient of our diet is fibre , the importance of which is to provide bulk to keep our gastro-intestinal tracts working satisfactorily and to provide nourishment for the beneficial bacteria which , in health , inhabit our large intestines and supply us with a not inconsiderable proportion of our daily vitamin requirements .
27 He was given to these sudden spurts of activity , running ahead to hide among the bushes and jump out at her , leaping across puddles , rummaging for broken bottles and cans in the ditch and hurling them with a desperate intensity into the water .
28 The alternative , of close integration of the railways into the central machinery of the state , has not proved suitable for the efficient conduct of complex productive activities ; a Spanish experiment with direct ministerial control during the late 1950s ( RENFE 1957m : vii , ix ; IBRD 1963 : 192–3 ) was shortlived , and the disadvantages of direct control have recently led the Italian government , for example , to remove the state railway from under the direct control of the transport ministry and endow it with an autonomous corporate structure ( Railway Gazette International , December 1985 : 926–7 ) .
29 Somebody singled him out and smacked him with a car .
30 The hermit crab partly avoids this complicated and hazardous process by having a shell-less hinder part and protecting it with a discarded mollusc shell , switching into a new one in a minute or so whenever it has the need .
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