Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Affliction succeeds in taking the detailing associated with Raymond Carver-style dirty realism and fusing it with the pace of a detective story .
2 In Wrexham grandfather had been an active Gladstonian Liberal , and concerned himself with the temperance movement and local government .
3 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
4 ( Some pocket calculators will do this ; otherwise one obtains a random integer of 5 or 6 digits from a random number table and precedes it with a decimal point . )
5 The offender drove up behind the victim as she was walking in the street one evening with her daughter , aged two and a half , and attacked her with a hammer , striking her two blows on the leg and one on the knee .
6 ‘ Damnation ’ will approach his target and introduce himself with an opening line which usually goes something like , ‘ Hi .
7 One of my colleagues , no doubt swayed by the heat of the discussion , turned on me sitting in my short-sleeved uniform shirt , and rebuked me with the warning that ‘ in my force , you 'd be disciplined for mutilating police property …
8 She picked up the menu and scanned it with the air of a gourmet .
9 To achieve this change of direction , we will negotiate Performance Agreements with each health authority and back them with an Incentive Fund to reward authorities to perform well .
10 At Manhattanville they stopped to water the horses and to refresh themselves with a drink of lemonade from an inn .
11 She was nearly home and someone jumped out at her and battered her with a piece of wood .
12 Jimmy had the gun in his hands now , and levelled it with a cool and grim purpose at Rohmer .
13 Three things I 've always wanted to do : go to Machu Picchu , put my foot in Lake Titicaca and make it with an oriental chick .
14 Alter that first crowded day I retired to one of those green-tiled sanctuaries and lathered myself with a new bar of a famous toilet soap which Helen had put in my bag .
15 First we raise one index and contract it with the remaining covector index to give .
16 The Report of the Data Protection Committee was published late in 1978 , a bad time for political initiatives : within a few months the new Conservative Government was in office and contenting itself with a fresh and laborious round of further consultations — there seemed little likelihood of anything being done until , in 1981 , the Council of Europe , as part of its concern with human rights , opened its ‘ Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Data Processing ’ for signature by States which had appropriate legislation enacted .
17 You had to go through all the misery and raise it with the danger of leaks all the time in some of the central international establishments in America .
18 That was a case in which a district board took it upon themselves to pull down Mr. Cooper 's house , which they regarded as unsatisfactory , and to burden him with the cost of demolition without having first given him any type of notice .
19 Shiona twisted round and pierced him with a look .
20 A broader academic aim is to relate the effects identified to other processes of retail change and to compare them with the impact of other major developments .
21 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
22 He gave support to William Wallace in his fight for Scottish independence but deserted him and aligned himself with the English King Edward I who was trying to dominate Scotland .
23 But with the accession of Herod , Eisenman argues , most Sadducees — the Sadducees whom we know as such from biblical sources and from Josephus — betrayed their original loyalties and aligned themselves with the usurper .
24 In a sense then , the fate of Simmel 's work is at present parallel to that of Hegel 's , in as much as later authorities have appropriated his ideas and aligned them with a theory of rupture seen as specific to capitalism .
25 Like the Eighties terrace tearaways in Britain who showed up for the match in Barbour jackets and deerstalkers , these B- boys were appropriating the ruling class style and parading it with a sardonic grin .
26 Ideally , Praxis would like IBM to adopt the installer , productise it and bundle it with the RS/6000 , though it is ‘ far too early ’ to say whether this might happen , says the firm 's Stephen Robertson .
27 She always accompanied her unpackings by such comments , always with the same indignant implication that the grocers did their best to defraud and anger her with every item .
28 It has joined forces with DeskStation Technology Inc and OPTi Inc to create the R4000PC RISCNT chip set and combine it with the OPTi 486EISAWB chip set to create a Windows NT desktop personal computer .
29 Coarsely chop the chicken and combine it with the soy sauces , rice wine or sherry , salt , sesame oil and cornflour .
30 Jitters took careful aim , and got him with a headshot .
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