Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for a minute before adding the cooked onion , extra oil and chopped olives .
2 By the wall stood a rattan couch with cushions ; and hanging from a bracket by the open french windows was a small brightly polished bell with a faded maroon tassel hanging from the clapper .
3 And hanging from a hook in its holster , her father 's army revolver .
4 Nina came in soon after , flapping her arms like pterodactyl wings , and pounced on a girl he had never seen before .
5 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
6 Later that same enemy had been bloodily counter attacked and neutralised as a threat for the foreseeable future .
7 Her mother fastening Melanie 's coat snugly at the neck and tucking in a scarf .
8 When the larva is about to shed its skin and change into a pupa ( which it does prior to emerging as a real fly ) , it exudes a sticky fluid .
9 When the fish are well on feed I will put one rod away and change to a butt-indicator which allows me to fish more quickly and efficiently .
10 But what I 'm wearing now I 'll be wearing in a year or eighteen months , it does n't chop and change like a fashion ; the meaning it has now is the same one it will have in eighteen months ' time .
11 Today I want you to turn that corner and change from a feeling of ‘ I 'm never going to do it ’ to ‘ I will do it ’ .
12 The total student population of 90 000 helps greatly to preserve an element of life and change in a city where one quarter of the population is over 66 .
13 But the commission accepts that since the simple offence would cover deliberate foolishness which caused cost and inconvenience but which did not damage property or seek dishonest gain , the penalty should be modest and limited to a maximum of three months ' imprisonment .
14 An executive President would be head of state ; holders of this office would in future be elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
15 The head of state is the executive President , elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
16 We welcomed the shift towards a plan-led system and commented on a number of structure and local plans .
17 I need to grow and change and develop as a person in my own terms .
18 We grow and develop as a result of those interactions .
19 The second story came from Branson himself , and arose from a tip-off from a journalist named Carla Dobson who worked as the assistant to the Daily Mail gossip-columnist Nigel Dempster .
20 Every peice like this child 's teaset will need to be photographed and catalogued on a computer .
21 Ice crystallizes out and accumulates in a surface layer which thickens and consolidates ; on calm nights with air temperatures well below freezing point a layer 20 cm deep may form overnight and be firm enough to take the weight of a man by morning .
22 ‘ I 've got it — signed , sealed and witnessed by a notary .
23 They are kindly , educated people many of whom have spent their lives helping others and to whom fate has dealt a cruel , unexpected blow , leaving them bereaved and frightened at a time of approaching frailty .
24 She said : ‘ God grant it ! ’ and clung for a moment to the great , warm , vital hand that could put heart into her even now .
25 When I started to think about these things I was in a position to interpret this way of living and eating as a variation on the spending patterns of poverty described in Booth 's and Rowntree 's surveys ; but now I think it was the cheapness of it that propelled the practice .
26 And at 6.15 Miss Danziger entered the drawing-room , where at least eighteen of the guests were gathered drinking tea and eating from a selection of Danish pastries and pies , and talking with unusual excitement .
27 25–9–1897 The Session had under consideration the subject of having a half yearly Communion and arranged for a service on 7th November .
28 Mrs Whitehouse was determined that something should be done , and arranged for a QC to visit the theatre and watch a performance .
29 ACM Sir Denis Spotiswood supported this solution and arranged for a survey of R5868 to be carried-out to assess its general condition and the work that would be involved to bring it up to display condition .
30 Entertainment was in the capable hands of instrument mechanic Dennis Brown , who acted as compere and arranged for a guest appearance by Blackpool duo Rendezvous .
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