Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Helen leaned over my shoulder and gazed at the long lines of boy scouts , girl guides , ex-servicemen , with half the population of the town packed on the pavements , watching .
2 He did not have time to check his mirrors for police cars as he passed All Hallows-on-the-Wall and plunged into the long straight canyon of London Wall .
3 She was admitted , now , to the feasting-hall of the King , and placed at the long women 's table presided over by Marietta of Patras , the King 's serene and excellent mother .
4 The first is that with another ten years of John Paul 's rule , the silencing of awkward bishops and theologians , the appointment to the episcopate of a most carefully selected team of neo-conservatives , a rather traditionalist form of Catholicism will , in fact , harden and remain for a long time effectively unchangeable .
5 A dapper stranger ( John Berger ) hoves into view and launches into a long , rather tedious yarn about two Italian peasants who meet at a Communist Party dance .
6 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
7 But it does need to be borne in mind that although this form of sudden death can create such instantaneous reactions there are also people who hide and keep quiet and suffer for a long time before finding the opportunity to talk to someone about their feelings or until another trigger sets them grieving .
8 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
9 Nathaniel Sherman stumbled slightly at the entrance of his hut , and his wife heard him cursing and fumbling for a long time with the flap fastenings .
10 She felt his chest rise and fall on a long , slightly unsteady intake of breath .
11 She crossed the road , dodging a limousine with a personalised number-plate , and squeezed into a long , thin pub called The Ship .
12 One of the major criticisms that is made of senior management is its unwillingness to let go of the reins of an organisation , to delegate routine tasks and to concentrate upon the longer term .
13 Like the plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs , they were successful and varied for a long time , but all three groups failed to survive the Cretaceous .
14 You have to be sure the bird is very hungry , and if it 's not you have to sit down and wait for a long , long time .
15 There is the standard , spacious , minimally-furnished living room , tastefully carpeted in subdued oatmeal and dominated by a long sofa and oversized TV .
16 Gorbad halted the attack and prepared for a long siege .
17 He marched the twins in the direction of the nearest station and prepared for a long , boring wait .
18 In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises , buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest .
19 We saw our chance , and hastily we packed up and prepared for the long trek back the way we had come , to the Youth Hostel .
20 I crossed wet ground and came to a long , open piece of sand , then went on to a place where the trees had branches that were thick and close to the sand .
21 These fundamental axioms were refined , clarified and applied through a long series of debates and conflicts with the Liberal Theology in which he had been trained , and which he had earlier enthusiastically followed , with the claims of the Führer to be the chosen instrument of divine providence , and with colleagues , notably Emil Brunner ( 1889–1966 ) , Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) and Friedrich Gogarten ( 1887 — 1967 ) , whose approaches , though having some affinities with his own , he felt in the end to be in varying degrees unsatisfactory .
22 She watched as Dana twirled and twisted before a long mirror , making the dress shimmer with a thousand lights .
23 She had n't expected to get much sleep , but exhaustion finally overcame her and she lapsed into a fitful , restless doze , tossing and turning through the long night as dreams haunted her mind .
24 They walked through the gardens together and talked for a long time .
25 Oliver was deeply grateful for this offer of shelter and talked for a long time with his new friend .
26 Kee told her about his life and talked for a long time about the old Haiti and the people he remembered .
27 She closed her eyes again , tossed and turned for a long time , then finally managed to get a couple of hours of disturbed sleep .
28 As they came up into the May morning he hopped over the ditch and skipped into the long grass as blithe as a squirrel .
29 ( i ) Of course , when A = Z and ρ is multiplication , the above merely repeats results we 've known and used for a long time .
30 When he 'd gone I lay and thought for a long time about poor young Mr Vickers , and of what I should have told Doone , and had n't .
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