Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One old , old man , drunk and limp as old laundry but standing , yells at another old man who is sleeping with his head on the table .
2 The window was full of magazines , lying edge to edge and hanging in yellowed cellophane wrappers from clothes-pegs : she was reminded of playing shop as a child , and lining up the tins of food and boxes of soap flakes and bags of flour , all in miniature .
3 They laughed a little hysterically , and whispered to each other to be quiet and then laughed again , drunk with the joy of touching hands and the scent of their bodies in the dark .
4 Slowly , they got together at the far end of the house and whispered to each other .
5 In the dim light the gold and strong colours glittered and glowed with rich intensity .
6 One body wallows on a barge of pillows , with warmly tousled gaze and smelling of fresh bread ( you 'll get no argument from me there : women are great ) ; the other body lies flat and cold on a table down whose eaves blood runs , like a sunset .
7 Benjamin drew a distinction between storytelling , which he saw as , in its purest form , an oral-aural transaction between a narrator and an audience physically present to each other , and the novel , which is produced in one place by a solitary silent author , and consumed in another place by a solitary silent reader .
8 They pecked at some dead creature on the moorland verge , squabbling over which of them should have it , wheeling and darting at each other like terrible shadows in the mist .
9 As he was thought to have abused an hallucinogenic drug , he was given activated charcoal and sorbitol by nasogastric tube .
10 and change into that subdirectory .
11 Once you 've made the choice , though , stick to it throughout the publication , do n't chop and change from one style to another .
12 The effects of technical advancement and change in industrial structure on material handling requirements of firms in South Wales
13 Self reported smoking behaviour ( backed by saliva sample ) and change in relevant health knowledge , beliefs , and values .
14 The general social action approach thus emphasises fluidity and change in social interaction ; it has a conception of the individual that emphasises people 's creativity and capacity for innovation .
15 The Maud Report considered there was urgent need for reform and change within local government .
16 Selected or key settlements may be service centres ; they may also be associated with public investment in facilities such as schools and council housing , and designated for residential expansion or for industrial growth ( Woodruffe 1976 ) .
17 The arrow , expressed as a wedge form , can minimise turbulence and drag in supersonic flight and in automobiles travelling beyond about 75 mph ( 120 km per hour ) .
18 It is useful for bringing together the separate parts of the ANLT and the grammar and lexicon can be developed and altered within this environment .
19 That is much narrower than the jurisdiction given to the Nuremberg tribunal after the Second World War , which was allowed also to consider crimes against peace and crimes against humanity such as planning and waging of aggressive war and genocide .
20 That schools be encouraged both to maintain their choral tradition and to liaise with local church musicians , in order to agree on a common repertoire of hymns and songs ( 610–614 ) .
21 Law , to be " prescribed " , must be adequately accessible and formulated with sufficient precision to enable citizens to regulate their conduct .
22 The clinical effects are slight , and in the resting cat are limited to a chronic mild cough ; following exercise or handling , there may be coughing and sneezing with slight dyspnoea and production of mucoid sputum .
23 Therefore bide your time and refrain from all action , until I send you word that you may come with my warranty to the council table .
24 ‘ High interest rates … have dampened consumer expenditure and impacted on retail spending , ’ says the chairman , Geoffrey Maitland Smith .
25 So they sat on a blanket and clung to each other , tears streaming down their cheeks .
26 It was not intended to give this impression , and we take this opportunity to make that clear and to apologize for any embarrassment caused .
27 I knew exactly how I would do this and explained in some detail , finding Alec Reid equally fascinated .
28 In subsequent criminal proceedings , the High Court held that the police had a power to enter and remain on private property , against the wishes of the occupier , if they reasonably apprehended either that the commission of an offence was ‘ imminent or likely ’ or that any breach of the peace was likely to occur .
29 For any given orbit , there is only one speed at which a satellite can travel and remain in that orbit .
30 However , when groups from such communities move to and settle in countries living and eating in Western style , and adopt Western habits , repeated surveys and studies have shown that , gradually , over the years , they too become equally prone to the ‘ big Cs ’ and all those other Western diseases .
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