Example sentences of "and [verb] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 You then work with your dog the whole time and all the time you 're working with your dog , naturally enough , it 's a young dog , so you 're being tested and evaluated the whole time , so your training continues .
2 Once a depth of 1.5 metres is exceeded , the Solution enters into dive mode and displays the no-decompression time available , current depth , elapsed dive time and water temperature .
3 ‘ In the meantime you 'd notified the police of Connie Fraser 's disappearance , and given a nice time check , all verified by the hospital staff . ’
4 So he has a drink , talks to the barman , starts dancing and has a good time all at the ‘ club ’ .
5 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
6 For both TNC and ISS the suggested time allocations have been a source of controversy .
7 He was unable to sleep during the day , and used the dead time to keep up with the newspapers and journals in the reading-room and to swim in the club pool while it was comparatively empty .
8 Slacker , a term denoting a Twentysomething who wants no responsibility and loves a good time , was a major US cult hit last year for director Richard Linklater — and deservedly so .
9 It was depressing looking through her clothes , and remembering the good times she had spent wearing some of these dresses and blouses .
10 But if they nevertheless persist in making that perambulation in the manner aforesaid , we must endure it for the present , and await an opportune time to amend it .
11 Indulging in litigation may mean that you have to expend substantial sums of money and wait a long time before achieving victory ; to lose could prove very costly .
12 Is he aware that even when people are examined , are found to have cataracts and wait a long time for the operation , some of them — such as a 91-year-old constituent of mine — are told that Royal Oldham hospital , which has been granted trust status , does not have the money to provide the necessary medicines and has money to help only the elderly ?
13 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
14 But this , as he would say , is a long story , and happened a long time ago .
15 Chen [ 17,18,20 ] has measured actinomycin dissociation kinetics from a series of oligonucleotide sequences of the type ATAXGCYTAT and ATAXGCYATA and shown the following time constants CGCT/AGCG , 600 s ; CGCA/TGCG , 1000 s ; CGCG 850 s .
16 Wild rice has a very nutty flavour and takes a long time to cook .
17 But that 's the hard way and takes a long time .
18 Evolution Without Evidence is not a creationist broadside , but an interesting and well-written exercise on the theme that the young Charles Darwin became convinced of evolution but felt that he did not have the evidence to convince his contemporaries , and spent a long time getting it together and arranging it — so long that he was taken by surprise and had to get out the Origin prematurely ( as he always said himself ) .
19 They started in the Fabric Hall , and spent a long time fingering various swathes of cloth .
20 And so Willi was squeezing himself into his best suit , the one he wore for daytime ceremonial occasions , and had spattered himself lavishly with aftershave cologne , and spent a long time arranging the frill of curls round his bald crown .
21 The 19-year-old Boat Club starlet was struck down by glandular fever last summer , and spent a frustrating time on the sidelines .
22 He graduated in 1940 and spent a short time at Pennsylvania State University before returning to UCLA to do his PhD .
23 He has therefore used local newspaper cuttings as well photographs and spent a considerable time talking to some of the senior members of the club to produce the book .
24 All might go well and you might simply relive and re-experience a happy time in your life .
25 Another member , Bernard Edwards , entered for the second time with his partner Steve Kenning and achieved the excellent time of 2 hours 34 minutes and a few seconds , knocking more than a quarter of an hour off their time last year .
26 They have done a little bit of redecorating , such as in the hallway where they put up a pretty floral paper with a wide matching border at dado level , and hung an original time recorder clock , made in Leeds and bought from an antique shop in Leigh-on-Sea .
27 A festive atmosphere encourages children to join in and have a good time , and decoration of the room or home can be helpful .
28 Most of the 16-year-olds say their fathers have more or less told them to ‘ go out and have a good time ’ .
29 Our fans want to jump about and have a good time , which is what we want to do . ’
30 Our fans want to jump about and have a good time , which is what we want to do . ’
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