Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Elderly people , with those in later middle age , are more likely to be shocked or outraged by sexual practices which they consider undesirable — and tend to see a wider range of sexual practices as such .
2 He is then asked to assume that the true date will be before the p0·5 date and asked to nominate an earlier date that would again divide the range into two 50/50 bets .
3 He is then asked to assume that the true date will be before the p0.5 date and asked to nominate an earlier date that would again divide the range into two 50/50 bets .
4 There are many signs that although the new tools for analysis are not simple ones , they are offering exciting insights into the problems of matching readers to texts , and helping to produce a deeper response and more effective learning .
5 Most important was that the Association had lost a high proportion of the key members by death or removal from the area , and failed to attract the younger men coming home from war service who found an outlet in more direct political activity .
6 However , when Mr Hayden stood up and made to show the stranger the way , the figure melted into thin air , leaving the foreman completely mystified .
7 This usually takes 10–20 minutes and involves discussing the broader implications of the medical plan .
8 On top of these , Frank has bought The Social Survival Handbook for October 1993 , by journalist Guy Browning , through Julian Alexander , and has done a further two-book deal ( following the last three-book contract ) for a ‘ healthy six-figure sum ’ with Lucinda Edmonds , author of Lovers and Players , through Arthur Goodhart .
9 He recovered promptly and has had no further problems 30 months after transplantation .
10 ‘ Who ? ’ asked the Sheikh and rose to get a better look .
11 The material was carefully selected and organised to give a clearer understanding of this often hazily remembered period of German history .
12 More recently liquid CO&sub2 ; has been used and found to achieve a better extract with no risk of solvent contamination .
13 Banque Indosuez of France already owns more than 10 per cent and wants to buy a further 9.8 per cent .
14 Sprint Corp , Kansas City , Missouri has expanded its global public Frame Relay network to include Canada , France and Germany , and plans to add a further 25 countries by the end of the year .
15 Knowledge instead of being pursued in depth and integrated in breadth is pursued in depth but in relative isolation ( Lazlo , 1972a ) by the specialist who concentrates on detail and tends to ignore the broader context .
16 This is the Olympic class and tends to have a higher standard with a limited following .
17 An older woman whose hair and dress were folded and starched leading a younger woman flushed with inexpert embarrassment .
18 He was fined a total of £70 and ordered to pay a further £20 costs .
19 When it did become available , it was possible to repeat some of the earlier investigations with the CED and OALD using the larger sample size that was recommended , and to include the LDOCE as a further choice of dictionary .
20 At the same time , he sees many urban social movements as defensive , insular and failing to challenge the deeper structures of society and state power .
21 Other long-time surfers settled in the St Agnes area in the Sixties and continue to influence the younger crowd .
22 He responded , drove all the way back to the city , laced on his boots and proceeded to play a blinder .
23 Sharing the problem at once halves it , reduces the feeling of victimisation , and helps to establish the larger dimensions of what had previously been regarded as a local problem .
24 The use of a B–17F and B–17Gs to depict the earlier shark-fin B–17Cs and B–17Ds which actually arrived during the raid was most notable , but unavoidable .
25 Ore from underground is crushed and ground to remove the larger particles .
26 For instance , being in the business , and purporting to understand the wider implications , our designs would have to be sensitive to the practicalities and compromises involved in production — whether or not these instruments ever got to that stage .
27 As she turned away , she caught a glimpse of herself in the bedroom mirror , and paused to take a longer , critical look .
28 He had lived outwith Scotland for only 5 years but during that time he had travelled further by land and had seen a greater number of interesting places than most people do in a lifetime .
29 But when the justice minister who had agreed to her release himself fell from favour , she was reimprisoned and had to serve a further ten months before being rereleased .
30 There were fresh candles to buy , the hire — or outright purchase — of mourning cloaks ; the poor had again to be invited — it was considered worthy and laudable to remember them at one 's death — and had to receive a further portion of the largesse exhibited at the funeral .
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