Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Possible methods of speeding up collection include increasing the numbers of bailiffs and contacting non-payers by telephone .
2 Possible methods of speeding up collection include increasing the numbers of bailiffs in the town and contacting non-payers by telephone .
3 The neural networking technique , developed in the 1970s , mimics the biological neural network , enabling a system to ‘ learn ’ by example , to recognise patterns and data and to classify data by association .
4 7 Decide in which area personal contacts will be of most use and make contact by telephone .
5 They lie on a mattress in the living room and make love by candlelight .
6 The original method of producing acrylic sheet , which involved casting a thickened and part-polymerized methyl methacrylate syrup in plate glass cells and completing polymerization by heating in an oven , was devised in the 1930s .
7 The marsupial ( pouched ) and placental ( womb-bearing ) mammals had separated , and lived side by side .
8 Ivan had become a legend , a symbol of all the other Ivans who died on the battlefields and fought village by village and street by street to drive the invader out of Russia .
9 He came across a cave where three hundred partisans were quartered and fought side by side with them until the end of the war .
10 AN unexpected 1 p.c. rise in manufacturing production in February raised hopes that manufacturers were beginning to climb out of recession and caught economists by surprise yesterday .
11 It was saved from the flood by being cut into blocks and moved piece by piece to higher ground .
12 These guidelines are similar to those in the original 1973 Act and apply to sale and supply contracts by virtue of s11(2) of UCTA 1977 .
13 Meanwhile developing countries that are managing to trade , accumulate physical capital and grow year by year , are increasingly able to find the finance they need from private suppliers .
14 This example points to an underlying trend in the English language : to assume that male is the norm and to define women by reference to their sexuality .
15 And be advised that at the end of its days at Eardisley , it was rescued by Welshpool 's famous narrow gauge railway company and transported piece by piece to Raven Square station .
16 ‘ This man ’ — she took John 's arm — ‘ could shut his eyes and walk yard by yard in his mind-down any line he 's built .
17 Aiming to identify the patients dying specifically from their liver disease and to avoid biases by time dependent variables ( blood transfusion requirements within the 72 hours ) , statistical analysis was performed on the 91 patients still alive after 72 hours and after exclusion of the patients dying from other causes than liver failure or exsanguination ( eight ) .
18 This method dispenses with the old image of workers laboriously laying down layers of fibre in a mould and adding resin by brush .
19 In fact it almost seems to be a condition of such performance that the exponent must not proceed logically but must temporarily inhibit his conscious critical faculties and accept control by intuition .
20 It is available in three sizes ( 8 ’ , 10 ’ 12 ’ ) , and costs £34.95 by mail order from DMT , 118 South Knighton Road , Leicester LE2 ( 0533 703212 ) .
21 Bernice could hardly resist the urge to turn and run , but she supported Defries and retreated step by step .
22 But he had more craft and policy , more capacity to wait , to present a good face to the world , and to advance step by step towards his goal .
23 Mr. Collins then points out that by rule 2.12(1) , Lautro requires its members to establish and maintain procedures by reference to which appointed representatives can ensure that they comply with Lautro 's rules .
24 The interlinked circles of this part of London , declining and changing now as social patterns altered and moved people away , but still strong in those groups which had gone to school together , married within their peer group and worked side by side , struck him afresh .
25 Our initiative has taken the beauty and exercise world by storm .
26 It is published monthly ( except August ) with annual and other cumulations and lists books by author , title and subject in a single alphabetical index .
27 This morning , drive through Cleveland National Forest before crossing Imperial Valley and entering Arizona by way of the Yuma Desert .
28 More controversy arose when Thornton came before the court of the King 's Bench in November 1817 and demanded ordeal by battle — open to the subject of an ‘ appeal of murder ’ but not claimed since Charles I 's reign .
29 So perhaps we can bluff it out and collect software by day leaving philosophical disquiet to the troubled night .
30 They represented the only equivalent of our modern banking system and those possessing medicinal springs of great renown accumulated wealth and acquired lands by dedication and purchase .
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