Example sentences of "and [noun] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oakeshott 's theory in fact draws on both Hegel and Hobbes to provide an analysis of politics , law , and the state .
2 Certain men and women have a propensity for this type of spirituality and have devised techniques and disciplines to create the sense of presence within themselves .
3 ‘ Since most experts seem to preclude a major upturn in energy prices before the end of the century , we may have to develop a combination of policies and taxes to stimulate the market for improvements in efficiency now as insurance against disruptions from climate change later . ’
4 It was Amato who introduced the far-reaching austerity package of spending cuts and taxes to revitalise the economy and who has begun the privatisation of many state-owned businesses , a source of political patronage .
5 Maybe it might be a good idea for her and Ben to have a holiday in England ?
6 For therapeutic and professional staff to reflect the cultural backgrounds of the children , and that for all children , including those with special needs , their day-care environment and activities to express a consciousness of the multicultural society in Islington .
7 He took with him strange plants and birds to show the King and Queen .
8 Knowing how hard times are , local dealer Ernst Beyeler is inviting visitors to join a pilgrimage from market to temple : until 27 September , he is taking over both Kunstmuseum and Kunsthalle to stage an exhibition .
9 A treaty of union which required the English monarch and Parliament to guarantee the security of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland , many felt , would serve only to encourage Dissent and undermine further the integrity of the Anglican Church .
10 In an address on Oct. 24 , Garba added that the world community should take advantage of the closing of the ideological gulf between East and West to reduce the North-South divide in terms of development .
11 Unable to pour out any abuse on such an august gentleman of the realm , Garvey could only bow respectfully and struggle to turn the pageant in the small yard of the mansion .
12 Hugh Jones , though , is pure ‘ old school ’ , and he had the patience and faith to produce the band au naturel ( ‘ It 's actually got less guitars on it , but we recorded them better .
13 In our temperate climate , land use can be divided into four main categories : arable areas , where crops such as cereals and legumes can be grown , generally well drained and fertile with relatively easily worked soils ; at most times in the past rotation was employed , alternating one crop with another , and crops with pasture where cattle , sheep , goats , horses and so on grazed ; meadowland where hay was grown for winter fodder ; and woodland to provide the wood and timber .
14 The book offers plenty of advice on how to achieve special decorative effects , plus how to go about choosing fabrics , furniture and accessories to re-create the look of each style .
15 Use of parallax in synchronised photographs and radar to reveal the height of objects on the ground was developed during World War II .
16 However , he reflected that it was now twenty years since he had been ejected from the church on ‘ Black Bartholomew 's Day ’ , and during all that time , by God 's mercy , he , and many others had been kept in relative ‘ peace ’ and freedom to serve the Lord , despite all the efforts of the Church and State to silence them .
17 There had to be freedom of association — that is , freedom to form political parties , and freedom to form the kind of associations we now know as pressure groups , whose purpose is to bring to bear on parties and on governments the combined pressure of the interests they represent .
18 We will give the new authorities greater responsibilities — for example , over education , health , and planning — and freedom to ensure the delivery of services in ways they think best .
19 The perceived usefulness of the scheme as a means of promoting change and willingness to repeat the exercise are associated with attitudes towards the time that the scheme takes ; involvement and perceptions of professional threat are not .
20 The other end is where there is a strong culture and willingness to integrate the client in the business , put more than one consultant on a search assignment and make sure that all the consultants work together for the long-term future of the business .
21 British Columbia 's forward strength and willingness to work the ball wide in the second half , as injury-hit Newfoundland , tired , brought five tries , two of them pushovers for the expected result .
22 In short , age is associated with both income and willingness to break the law .
23 His bold declarations and willingness to attempt a task , however , great , said Wisden , did much to change the state of affairs at Edgbaston .
24 In his twenty-one-page judgment he said that the court lacked the resources and expertise to resolve the issue of whether the missiles created a risk of nuclear war between the USA and the USSR .
25 The Know How Fund exists to help provide advice and expertise to support the transition of Central and Eastern European countries towards market economies .
26 At first they were quite crude and it took little skill and expertise to forge the signature , and then fraudulently put them to financial advantage .
27 Unless the Government are prepared to provide a forum for funds and expertise to assist the defence industry to diversify into other products , the job losses and the decline in Britain 's economic performance will continue — but , then , the Secretary of State does not care .
28 But who knows also the beauty which lies in wait hereabouts , which led Williams and Bingley to make the climb ?
29 To bring the Crown out of the poverty and debt which had marked most of the reign of Henry VI , both Edward IV and Richard III used professional receivers , auditors , and surveyors to increase the revenue from Crown lands ; and much of this larger income was paid , neither to the Exchequer nor to the Crown 's creditors , but to the Chamber of the royal Household , where it was at the disposal of the King .
30 This meeting urges the Bar Council and CLE to reconsider the segregation of foreign Bar students from domestic students .
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