Example sentences of "and [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 On the former , it states that internal audit should be involved in the determination of its own priorities , in consultation with management , and the head of internal audit should accordingly have direct access , and freedom to report to all senior management .
2 ‘ The system is characterised by union pluralism , complexity of the representative institutions at the enterprise level , and freedom to strike at any moment and on any issue ’ ( Delamotte , 1982 , p. 327 ) .
3 For her it worked because of one other factor — her ability and willingness to engage at some depth with the concepts , ideas and questions evoked by the material .
4 As well as notes on how to use the flashcards and the masters , the Teacher 's Guide offers a wealth of suggestions for further activities , games and projects to use with each unit of Chatterbox 1 and 2 .
5 It is particularly concerned with investigating how a manager 's self concept , or self perception will affect his/her work motivation and reactions to work in this environment .
6 This may reflect the fact that many people today have more leisure and money to spend on such pursuits than in the past .
7 The judge will go over the dog using his hands and eyes to look for any faults in conformation , but most of all to ascertain the virtues of the animal .
8 The trade unions fear that wage demands may have to be lowered because of the refugees ' greater flexibility and readiness to work for less money .
9 I just come back er ladies and gentlemen to apologize for this morning 's cock up , I mean it was totally inexcusable of me .
10 He was going to return in three days ' time , and had invited a large number of ladies and gentlemen to stay for several days .
11 Since the rest of India will go to the polls between May 20th and 26th , Mr Shekhar had wanted Punjab and Assam to vote in that same week .
12 Perhaps the famine — like the plagues of Egypt of old — was sent by God as a warning to England and Ireland to turn from this course while time still offered .
13 Rosenthal 's own research , and his review of other genetic studies , also leads him to argue that the high probability that identical twins will either both develop or both remain free of schizophrenia is explained by their identical genetic constitution , rather than by a tendency on the part of their friends , relatives and parents to behave towards each of them in a very similar way .
14 to develop insights into situations which pose moral and social questions , and capacity to respond to these situations in a balanced and understanding way ;
15 When shall we ask Jackie and Tom to look at that photo ?
16 Under this section he may be ordered by the licensing board to make alterations , and failure to comply with such an order is an offence .
17 ‘ Also , it changes our view of ourselves and nature to think of all creatures as just genetic programmes in temporary configuration .
18 ‘ I leave it to your experience and courage to profit by any circumstance you may think favourable , ’ he wrote , ‘ to go out and attack the squadrons and vessels blockading at Ushant and at Belle Île [ or Belle Isle or Belleisle , in Quiberon Bay ] .
19 The need for user industries to take the lead in actually making this change-over is more urgent than ever and ICI is working closely with its customers and governments to help in this process .
20 Communal organisation must still have been necessary , however , for the system of clearing and farming to occur at all .
21 Wordsworth rewrote Guilt and Sorrow to conform to this teaching , and in Lyrical Ballads we are invited to contemplate The Dungeon and The Convict from a Godwinian viewpoint ; criminals are to be re-educated and placed in surroundings conducive to this end .
22 It is helpful to encourage clients and relatives to talk of these feelings .
23 EDI has become extremely important in international freight enabling shippers , forwarders , carriers and HM Customs and Excise to communicate with each other using a set of standard messages .
24 It may be that it was the removal of Oswine which enabled Oswiu and Penda to treat on these equal terms .
25 Erm I would have liked to have produced some er tables and diagrams to go with this document , but you will appreciate within the time that we had available , erm that there was insufficient time available to er to prepare that but hopefully that will give you er a basis for considering the , relative merits of the various a various erm sectors around York .
26 He did his best to discourage lawsuits , urging his parishioners and neighbours to bear with each other 's infirmities and live in love .
27 Computers can also enable hospitals and GPs to talk to each other far more quickly and efficiently , to book out-patient appointments , get the results of lab tests and receive information when a patient is discharged from hospital .
28 Are you satisfied that you 've done enough examination of your existing towns and villages to come to that conclusion ?
29 She 'd never expected rockets to go off and stars to shoot in all directions — leastways , not from just a casual brush of flesh against flesh …
30 An hour later , mother and baby were sleeping peacefully , and Lindsey emerged , having shed her mask and gown to draw in some deep breaths as she stepped into the welcome fresh air .
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