Example sentences of "and [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some have seen the RPF as a twentieth century expression of Bonapartism — the tradition of a providential leader appealing to men and women of all classes and ideologies to unite in the interests of an orderly state and national greatness .
2 They are designed to be portable and enable herdsmen and hunters to move around the countryside in search of new pastures for their camels , sheep and yak .
3 I also like to make hats and accessories to go with the clothes .
4 The good teacher was a safe man who spoke in mealy-mouthed platitudes , steeped himself in orthodoxy , made obeisance to all the right quarters , allowed his intellect and judgement to fossilise in the interests of … what ?
5 Relations with RHAs and the Management Board also failed to live up to the Griffiths vision of giving general managers local autonomy and freedom to manage within the context of personal and corporate accountability for the attainment of agreed targets and objectives .
6 I needed independence and freedom to respond on the way I wanted to go , ’ he says .
7 Her best hope of surviving it successfully lies in your maturity and willingness to act as a temporary crutch for her and as a quiet stabilising influence until she learns how to walk alone and unaided .
8 Quiet and modest in manner , speaking with an occasional stutter , his initiative , absolute reliability and willingness to help in the humblest duties endeared him to his many friends , not only in the literary world .
9 Dr Michael Bentley has suggested , in his book The Liberal Mind 1914–1929 and in at least one article , that the real problem of the Liberal Party was this lack of flexibility and willingness to think beyond the old shibboleths in a day and age which required new initiatives .
10 If enough evidence and expertise exists to deal with a late appeal , there must be enough evidence and expertise to deal with a review under regulation 72 .
11 In order to prepare an informed and adroit response to the Welsh Office on its proposed package of measures , CPRW has invited a number of people with special skills , experience and expertise to meet under the chairmanship of Professor Michael Haines , to consider the Welsh Office 's proposals and offer advice on the most appropriate response for CPRW .
12 Multiprofessional teams bring a range of educational backgrounds , training and expertise to bear on the management of individual cases , which ensures that care is not dominated by one single professional approach .
13 The Clean Air Act of 1963 , the namesake for the major federal incursions to follow in 1970 , expanded the research and technical assistance programme initiated in 1955 , provided limited federal powers to investigate and abate pollution emissions endangering health and welfare , instructed the US Department of Health , Education and Welfare to develop criteria on the effects of air pollution and its control ( advisory guidelines to be used or ignored by state and local government ) , and increased its research and development of devices and fuels to aid in the prevention of industrial and vehicle pollutant discharges .
14 The Ministry of Defence ( MoD ) has agreed to open up 600,000 acres of its extensive land holdings for environmental research , and to offer the use of some of its ships , aircraft and personnel to help in the work .
15 It 's a big step up for him , but we believe he has the talent , courage and temperament to develop into a top-class player . ’
16 The festival is pleased to provide an opportunity for audience and musicians to meet in the beautiful 12th-century church known as the Spurriergate Centre which serves a wide range of delicious foods and is renowned for its vegetarian dishes .
17 Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to write to a file in the supplied working directory .
18 If there is no-one nearby it is well worth time and money to travel to a good director , perhaps with visits twice or three times a year .
19 A TOWN farm is ploughing ahead with fundraising schemes to help handicapped people and plans to roof in a riding area for the disabled .
20 His focus is on teachers ' understandings of , and attempts to cope with the situations they experience in schools , and the various pressures and constraints that shape the teaching environment and over which teachers have little control .
21 The new job flexibility has required a break-up of old trade union structures and attempts to emulate in the UK systems of labour relation based on Japanese and some US examples .
22 Teesside urban development corporation , for instance , is an example of the Government using pump priming to attract private sector money and skills to help in the process of urban regeneration .
23 This ambiguity is played out in psychological terms as the simultaneous desire and inability to conform to the demands of the master discourse .
24 Disenchantment with exchange rate flexibility and the recognition that inflation can not be controlled through uncoordinated monetary policies generated the political will in France and Germany to press for the formation of a regional monetary system .
25 Henry Parris , tutor-organiser for Northamptonshire who had previously served in a similar capacity in Yorkshire North District , also acknowledged that most of his organising work could have been done by voluntary members , given the time and opportunity to travel around the county .
26 The School today is thriving academically , with staff who wish to teach , teaching pupils who wish to learn — an unbeatable combination ; and thriving socially , with societies and clubs to cater for every conceivable interest .
27 It requires special gifts of insight and patience to move from a mono-cultural to a cross-cultural perspective .
28 This rise in spending will raise national income to £1,010 in period t + 1 and this will cause both consumption and investment to increase in the next period , period t + 2 : Notice that both investment and national income have already risen above the levels reached in the previous example .
29 Were Lascars and Chinamen to benefit from the improvements in food , accommodation , repatriation etc. which it provided for British seamen ?
30 In fact he is asking for two kinds of help : aid to stop ongoing injury and aid to recover from the damage .
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