Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb base] in the " in BNC.

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1 Kirsty could convince any kid that goblins and fairies reside in the bottom of the garden , no problem .
2 To argue , therefore , that changes in newspapers — in their content , style , readership , etc. — may be undesirable ( e.g. ‘ deradicalization ’ , ‘ depoliticization ’ ) is to confuse that which one may desire ( and which may be socially desirable ) with the actual and real choices which individuals and groups make in the market-place .
3 Civil society is at the centre of this web of inter-relationships , comprising : the sphere of circulation , in which people and groups contest in the ‘ market place ’ ; the sphere of reproduction , in which social groups — classes-in-struggle compete to promote their economic , biological and political reproduction ; and the popular democratic forces , through which much of the struggle within civil society is organised .
4 It was emotionally captivating to see a truck laden with consumer goods draw up at Tazarbu , to hear the driver announce that he had a new poem from Muhammad Dabub in Ajdabiya , and to see shopkeepers , customers and driver sit in the shade to listen to the poem .
5 On the basis of this information , the law of reciprocal proportions tells us to expect that carbon and hydrogen combine in the weight ratio , 12:4 .
6 It is appropriate in this case that there should be an interim residence order , and there should be directions attached to that order that A. be returned forthwith to the care of his father and that G. , R. and M. remain in the care of their father and that there be an inter partes hearing with service of the application as quickly as the Portsmouth County Court can make it possible to be heard , which means within a matter of days not a matter of weeks , because it would be quite wrong for this matter to die down once the child is returned .
7 Dispute settlement and welfare arise because these are important issues in the anthropological literature on stateless societies ; questions about money and violence arise in the study of any polity .
8 Above : John and Veronica relax in the Chinese-green sitting room , which lends itself to a Christmas colour scheme of red and green Left : Tree lights and softly lit rooms give a festive glow to the Saunders ' Victorian terraced house in Heaton Moor , near Manchester
9 The division of labour , Marx and Engels argue in The German Ideology , is the basis of this transformation in the nature of labour and property which ultimately lays the foundations of capitalism .
10 Cold-blooded animals have to ‘ warm up ’ before they can be fully active ; that is why lizards and snakes bask in the sun in temperate climates .
11 So Sue and Bert come in the other day and she I know .
12 In them clarity and fluency combine in the spirit of Matisse .
13 Le Squyer was as active in this side of his work as his predecessor and friend , Arthur Agarde [ q.v. ] , had been , and about twenty volumes of his abstracts and calendars survive in the John Rylands University Library , Manchester .
14 Corporatism entails a special kind of political participation in which capital and labour participate in the formulation and implementation of state intervention in the economy ‘ and in other matters relevant to capital accumulation ’ ( Jessop 1978 , p. 41 ) .
15 In the final version of the poem Buddha meets St Augustine , while Christ and Buddha merge in the ‘ I ’ of the abandoned ‘ I am the Resurrection and the Life ’ fragment .
16 It will be crucial how Redman and Etheridge perform in the line-out against London 's Ackford and Edwards .
17 ‘ The broadcasting environment will change dramatically in the next few years as new channels and broadcasters emerge in the commercial sector .
18 ‘ The broadcasting environment will change dramatically in the next few years as new channels and broadcasters emerge in the commercial sector .
19 Political scientists and economists differ in the views they hold about the extent to which central government ought to control the activities of local government .
20 It so happens that the names Upehull , Upsall and Upshall occur in the records of one very small village — the first in a lay subsidy roll of 1327 , the second in a manorial court roll of November 1550 , and the third in a number of documents down to the latest twentieth-century electoral rolls .
21 After the violent conditions that erm we think occurred in the early life of the earth and injected energy and churned up the atmosphere and formed the prebiotic molecules , we find that just those same molecules are actually in the clouds in space , and these clouds are the basic raw material from which stars and plants form in the first place , so we might ask the question could they have got into the earth 's atmosphere without this intermediate process , and I think there are mechanisms whereby these molecules can accrete into the earth 's atmosphere , and it certainly suggests that we should look at thse and certainly not be taken as a foregone conclusion that the Uray/Miller experiments are the only mechanism whereby the prebiotic soup was formed .
22 Obviously leaves fall and plants bend in the replica material , and live foliage may need replacing .
23 LOCHABER and Kinlochshiel meet in the final of the Glenmorangie Qualifying Cup today at Kiltarlity , with both teams reporting full strength squads .
24 The herds of antelope cluster together a little more tightly ; vultures and storks alight in the tops of trees to roost ; baboons clamber up into the branches where they will be safe from prowling leopards .
25 In time , despite the independence of a far-flung inspectorate , newcomers are socialized into orthodox ways of doing the job , in which attitudes emerge and expectations develop in the cause of helping the work go smoothly .
26 Different jobs require different skills and physical abilities and workers vary in the levels of their innate abilities , acquired skills , training and physical characteristics .
27 Both guitarists Suzi and Donita revel in the chugging momentum , epitomised by the guttural grind of ‘ Wargasm ’ and ‘ Mr Integrity ’ .
28 It goes on : ‘ Frequent blockages and collapses occur in the sewerage system … the sewer running along the road into the village from the south is overloaded and flooding of the forecourt of the New Inn and the highway near the village green occurs several times a year . ’
29 In no time at each treefall saplings and ferns sprout in the shallow crater left by the spread of the roots .
30 An Avenger , Helicat , T–33 , F–101 and DC–3 survive in the airfield scrapyard , whilst types like Cessna 0–1 , T–6 Texan , Navion and Naval Aircraft Factory N3N , plus various gliders fly from the airfield on a regular basis .
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