Example sentences of "and [noun] [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 She said ‘ God bless you ’ instead of goodbye , and Melanie would leave the greengrocer 's feeling reassured and cracking an almond between her teeth .
2 Instead of musical chairs play musical hats , and hats can distinguish the teams in games such as ‘ criss-cross quiz ’ [ p.44 ] .
3 Poland and Czechoslovakia will dominate the region in terms of output , although until 1995 western manufacturers will be limited by economic conditions and trade barriers to improving local models and establishing kit assembly operations more than building western brands .
4 She may not formulate these questions consciously , but her planning and teaching will reflect the influence of these considerations .
5 Programmers do not need to worry about the fact that their applications may be running in parallel , Hinsley says , they merely need to think about the appropriate size of object and Taos will do the rest .
6 Programmers do not need to worry about the fact that their applications may be running in parallel , Hinsley says , they merely need to think about the appropriate size of object and Taos will do the rest .
7 Grilled sardines , garlic mushrooms and snails can start the meal , followed by a choice of half a dozen entrées plus blackboard ideas and choices of grilled steaks .
8 Where Parliament imposes a penalty for an offence , Parliament must consider the penalty is adequate and Parliament can increase the penalty if it proves to be inadequate .
9 Strange Sounds and Forms shall teaze the gloomy Green ;
10 The Bristol and West will become the first building society in Britain to use customer profiles to determine interest rates when the scheme is introduced in the middle of next year .
11 Because the interdependence of these parties forms a complex pattern which can not be reduced to exchange relations alone , breakdowns of trust and reliance can jeopardize the existence of the entire retail operation .
12 River , meadow , and woodland may lead the spectator to predict ‘ Arcadia among fertility , loveliness , industry and wealth ’ , but the illusion can be sustained only by those who keep their distance , for such ‘ picturesque villages are generally the perennial hotbeds of fever and ague , of squalid penury , sottish profligacy , dull discontent too stale for words ’ .
13 What happened in Kent and Sussex can obscure the central fact of the reign , namely , that Mercia had changed from ‘ a confederation of peoples under Mercian overlordship to a vast kingdom comprising most of the English areas between the Thames and the Humber ’ .
14 The man straightened slightly and Lisa could sense the tautening of powerful muscles across his broad shoulders .
15 A small shield bearing the Presidential arms was stencilled on the vehicle 's front door and Trent could see the silver pennant staff on the bonnet .
16 Poets and artists would see the world in a visionary light : thus Thomas Treherne ( 1637–74 ) , William Blake ( 1757–1827 ) and William Wordsworth ( 1770–1850 ) were all visionaries in this sense , seeing the world as informed by a presence , piercing the veils of the commonplace to glimpse another order of being .
17 Both companies will adhere to the Remote Procedure Call API of OSF 's DCE and DEC will support the WINsockets API providing transparent access to multiple transports such as DECnet/OSI and TCP/IP .
18 It is obvious that company output and projects must reflect the man-power and its performance level , but , if this is acknowledged at all , it is only in brief verbal terms within , for example , the chairman 's annual report .
19 His feet were now stuck out in front of him and Nenna could read the word EXCELLA on the soles of each of his new shoes .
20 Gary and Sarah will visit the bride to be at her home before the big day for a thorough hair and beauty consultation to discuss your hair style , make-up and consult the florist working on your flowers and head dress .
21 As the management will be aiming for maximum room and bed occupancy practice and experience will train the receptionist how to plan bookings on the conventional chart ( Fig. 3.11 ) so that one letting follows another and no gaps are left unnecessarily .
22 The Clans meet Maghery in Sunday 's decider at the Athletic Grounds ( 3.30 ) and their potent mixture of youth and experience will test the Lough shore side who will again look to the mesmeric skills of the Robinson brothers , Jim and Dixie .
23 Nonetheless the eye of art and experience can interpret the electron micrographic chaos to pick out individual synapses , cell bodies , axons and dendrites and measure them .
24 With the University Colleges of Cardiff and Swansea , Bangor 's departments of psychology and Welsh will study the Welsh language and the school of history and Welsh history , and along with University College Aberystwyth will examine Welsh rulers in the 12th and 13th centuries .
25 If the luminosity increases beyond 10 38 ergs -1 , 1,000 times the present luminosity , the combination of small scale size and energetics would make the black hole model much more compelling .
26 The car approached them and Kelly could see the two men talking animatedly .
27 A few minor inconsistencies and divergences would give the appearance of verisimilitude .
28 A BAG of muddied human bones and hair could hold the key to one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th Century , it was revealed yesterday .
29 Milestone planning and monitoring can indicate the need for such rethinking ; it can not , however , answer all the questions .
30 And prayer may span the divide between the mundane and the transcendental :
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