Example sentences of "and [noun] [pron] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Migrations , mixed marriage , the constant reformation of household and sexual alliances , broken work patterns will mean that class , ethnicity , gender roles and religion which not only divide communities but will also run through individuals .
2 ‘ Go and type it up now ! ’ he drawled tightly .
3 If you delete a character by mistake , move the cursor to where it was lost and type it in again .
4 It is this mixture of compliance and argumentativeness which not only bores and irritates Belville but actually drives him back to his old pursuits — drinking and lechery .
5 So , even if those around you can not change the situation which is causing your grief , they can give you the warmth , love and compassion you so badly need .
6 Erm it 's usually sort of teachers and people who just like to see erm ahead for the school class to bring them later .
7 He wanted to say her name but he could not remember it ; he wanted to engage in the physical endearments and gentleness he so much prided himself on bestowing and was received so gratefully for so doing , but this lean , hard-bodied girl would have none of it .
8 The Houghton Band provided the music and an admirable caller who managed to direct even those of us with two left feet through an amazing number of turns and convolutions which somehow always managed to bring us back to our starting point .
9 Here , on a small island of some 2,000 or so souls , pocketed by the encircling hills around its charming port , was the ideal place for him to gather his thoughts and address himself more seriously than he had been able to do in busy Montreal , grim London or frenetic New York .
10 It is a chance to go in your mind to a special place , known only to you , where you can find the peace and serenity you so desperately need .
11 Binnerton manor obviously had a large number of freeholders , including some members of the nobility and gentry who probably never set foot in the place let alone attended the manorial court .
12 You take up a left stance and line yourself up so that your left foot is in front of the opponent 's right , and your right is in front of his left .
13 By learning to be ‘ open channels ’ — spending money , giving it away , passing on old clothes , furniture and bric-a-brac we no longer use — we encourage more to flow into our lives .
14 In Spain , which shared a monarch with Naples from 1735 onward , opera was almost entirely in the hands of Neapolitans and Parmesans who only occasionally set Spanish texts .
15 Conversation was easier now , and although Alison noticed that Carson managed to keep it centred around her life and background she no longer tried to push and probe .
16 Instead of the doctors and nurses we so urgently need , we have an army of bureaucrats which has expanded from 700 to 13,200 in the same time .
17 His importunities at times embarrassed or irritated Wilberforce , Stephen and Macaulay who all also doubted his judgement on some issues .
18 There were , in short , pious men and women who not only failed to find it blasphemous , but regarded it as an integral part of their belief — as integral , say , as Peter 's role is to the Church of Rome .
19 Not rejecting them , not ceasing to love them , but slowly building up a new role and identity which no longer depends upon their presence for its satisfactory functioning .
20 Shake the pan over moderate heat until the vegetables are barely cooked , then add the drained bean sprouts and fork them together well .
21 Nothing had been done to prettify the site as at Sizewell , on the Suffolk coast , or to produce the pleasantly laid-out grounds of smooth lawn , flowering trees and shrubs which so agreeably impressed him on his periodic visits to Winfrith in Dorset .
22 Others wrote about what Walter Machin 's books had meant to them at the time of their publication , and to these Viola wrote faintly magisterial replies of thanks and interest which usually also contained subtle plugs for the two books which were as yet unpublished .
23 He parted the bushes and drew the beast in to them , and left Cynan and Meurig to hoist the lord of Parfois across his own saddle and hale him away hastily among the trees towards the river .
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