Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 The most comprehensive international survey of the functions and activities of employers ' associations is Windmüller and Gladstone ( 1984 ) .
2 Although Clegg identifies the structure and attitudes of employers ' associations and managements as the main , direct influences on the dimensions of bargaining themselves , in fact , the determinants of collective bargaining receive little detailed attention in his work .
3 Proposals on the minimum wage and protection of workers ' rights ( through endorsement of the EC 's Social Chapter for example ) if implemented might have helped prevent exploitation of the " peripheral " workforce although the market advantage of the knowledge workers would continue .
4 Without this , one can not begin to grasp the size and complexity of Charles ' achievements — such as the uncanny speed with which he could move troops across great distances .
5 The Panel 's aim was to help colleges to establish more effective integration of the practical training and academic study , and more effective supervision of training and assessment of students ' work .
6 Preparation of material for printers and correction of printers ' proofs .
7 Preparation of material for printers and correction of printers ' proofs .
8 The different colours and patterns of horses ' coats also affect their relationships with each other .
9 Research into TV commercials divides into two main fields : research into audiences and audience characteristics , and research into commercials ' effectiveness .
10 Is there a governors ' book shelf stocked with books , pamphlets and circulars including those from the National Curriculum Council , SEAC , Advisory Centre for Education ( ACE ) , the National Association of Governors and Managers and Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) ?
11 Choosing emotionally and socially charged ( ’ generative ’ ) words and pictures of students ' problems , he generated discussion on how to improve their lives .
12 They were intimately connected with the elements and could be petitioned to control rain and wind on mortals ' behalf .
13 Arguably only if the Library Association failed to take disciplinary action against its members for not putting professional loyalty and practice above employers ' decisions would the Code be discredited — as a paper tiger .
14 It emphasises the huge element of mystery and uncertainty in voters ' behaviour , which makes them spurn the most fluent campaigns and ignore the gaffes and trifles which dominate television news bulletins and front pages .
15 Other information provided on the provision and maintenance of travellers ' sites also proved to be a damning indictment of official neglect and racism .
16 From the evidence of a 10-country study , Gladstone ( 1984 ) notes that the activities , structure and functions of employers ' associations do show a good deal of inter country variation , often a reflection of distinctive historical experiences and a particular course of industrialisation with resultant differences in the environment in which a country 's industrial relations system has to operate .
17 its primary aims were , and still are , to encourage professional standards in the industry by supporting and promoting illustrators — the only body of its kind in this country to represent and campaign for illustrators ' rights .
18 Staff also use a software model , which embodies hall admissions policy and elements of wardens ' experience , to draft lists of candidates to whom hall places should be offered .
19 The quality and quantity of pupils ' work was questioned at the fourth meeting .
20 Thurso could not afford the £300 needed for the charter in 1876 when , hard on the heels of the Prince and Princess of Wales ' visit to ‘ The Exhibition ’ , the Town Council proposed applying for the honour .
21 Submariner have their fair share of the swagger and spunk of Leeds ' divinest , Cud .
22 The supply of coal seemed so vast that no one was willing to concede the possibility of exhaustion in the near future , and in the twentieth century oil began to offer a new source of energy that the scientists and engineers of Jevons ' time had not anticipated .
23 While it was true that the experience of dependants ' benefits demonstrated to the Ministry of Labour that ‘ not in a few cases they enabled respectable and industrious men and women to avoid having recourse to the Poor Law ’ ( Ministry of Labour , 1924 , p. 10 ) , the restoration and continuation of dependants ' allowances and the establishment of uniform minimum scales of Poor Law outdoor relief in January 1922 owed much to the activities of the National Unemployed Workers ' Movement , which organised protests na-tionally as well as against local Boards of Guardians .
24 However , it was noted that the processing of financial data was laborious ( eg budgetary calculations , recording the receipt and issue of residents ' cash etc ) and could possibly be improved in some way .
25 And more broadly still , dealing with pupils with ‘ special educational needs ’ in the ordinary classroom ; doing one 's best to combat racism and sexism in pupils ' attitudes ; taking account of personal and social education in one 's teaching style ; paying attention to the deliberate coaching of study skills ; providing worthwhile vocational courses for the greatly increased cohort of non-academic pupils who stay on at school beyond the age of sixteen .
26 They indicate that marking schemes may be designed in different ways : ( a ) written before pupil responses have been seen ; or derived after a sample of answers has been seen , and constructed so as to reflect the strength and weaknesses of candidates ' performance ( often combined with the first point ) .
27 ( Tel : 081–981 5676 ) Advice to patients and carers on patients ' rights , complaints procedures and access to health services or appropriate self-help groups .
28 ( g ) Discussions with pupils and collections of pupils ' work
29 Much research and attention to artists ' requirements has led to a new breed of synthetic brushes which are highly appropriate for use with acrylics , among other uses , which hold their shape well over a long period of time , are delightfully responsive to use , are superbly controllable , allowing precision work , and are durable enough to resist occasional misuse .
30 In particular , there is a need for clear guidance on the reporting by companies themselves on inherent uncertainties and statements of directors ' responsibilities .
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