Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] into a " in BNC.

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1 The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham entered into a series of transactions with various banks which resulted in considerable losses when interest rates rose .
2 It 's a big step up for him , but we believe he has the talent , courage and temperament to develop into a top-class player . ’
3 Dhani and Ian broke into a run , taking the high altar steps three at a time .
4 A figure whose authority and weight crumble into a desperate poignancy before his wife 's obsessive importunities .
5 That afternoon , Draper and Branson walked into a Caribbean restaurant on the Portobello Road to meet his alleged assailants .
6 Basically it was the songs and a sort of mime play with Jack , Lindsay and David leading into a set piece with Lindsay as the old woman feeding the birds , which is a wonderful one , where the bird grows and grows to a monstrous size and finally devours the old lady .
7 Fernando drove on and Ruth lapsed into a silence of awe .
8 Casey of the CIA died , taking his secrets to the grave ; Poindexter resigned ; and North went into a bizarre media limbo reserved for bogus patriots .
9 Her confidence was further eroded by both Patricio and Angel launching into a Hurry of Latin hysterics that all the press would be there and why should the humiliation of a certain Mendoza defeat be quadrupled by having a stupid girl on the team .
10 A pipeline from the support unit feeds the boiler , and ash drops into a modular ash pack , changed when the loco is serviced .
11 The solution was to operate independently , to abide by the unwritten rules of royal management and not let the Prince and Princess get into a position where they were competing for the limelight except when the occasion was pure entertainment .
12 Alan , Carolyn and Christopher moved into a flat the September after he was born .
13 The car broke down , we had great difficulty in collecting the Christmas trees from Jackson 's farm and Ted got into a quite a suicidal mood .
14 Charity was included in it too and Mona launched into a short sermon on her favourite subject , patriotism .
15 The door swung open and Messrs Major and Patten stepped into a crossfire of flashbulbs and an even greater cheer from the public .
16 George and Ringo sided with John and Klein launched into a ruthless purge , clearing out the parasites and the dead wood — but consigning any trace of idealism to the trash can as well .
17 As ever more exotic organs and glands entered into a cadet 's body , dripping and squeezing their juices and secretions into his system , so the cadet became liable to wild emotional fluctuations .
18 I express an interest and Gordon launches into a detailed and exhausting explanation of its functions and the quality of the investment he 's made .
19 Discontent and guilt settled into a sour mood .
20 Mother and daughter went into a sharp slanging match , with Walter fussing and trying to stop them .
21 Stick cloves into the onion pieces and put with milk and bay leaves into a saucepan .
22 By this time chartism had been dismantled ; with it went the first , and arguably last voice of mass working-class opposition to the state , and Britain entered into a relatively stable period of economic progress within a successfully reconstructed hegemony .
23 On the contrary , they are speculation and interpretation congealed into a tradition , and it is this tradition which is constantly mistaken for fact .
24 Well , the war came , and Dick turned into a night person , got a job as a private cop or a night editor or something .
25 If the shares are not claimed after , say , six months they will be sold and the proceeds and dividends paid into a separate bank account to be held by the trustee for the further period of 6 or 12 years .
26 She and Keith moved into a cold , damp flat together when she was pregnant , from which they were moved into a hotel before ending up in her present home , on the outskirts of a sprawling town .
27 A systematic approach should be encouraged , and results entered into a table .
28 Kimberley and Killion were prancing about the sky , failing to distract the defences , and Lambert strayed into a hail of machine-gun fire , splashed with flak .
29 Cut off from the world for a weekend , what started out as a bit of a laugh for Gordon , Angus , Roy and Neville turns into a carnival of recrimination , backbiting , French cricket and sausages .
30 Finally , government and unions entered into a Faustian agreement known as the ‘ social contract ’ ( 1974 ) , in which the government proved to be well and truly cast in the principal role .
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