Example sentences of "of whether a [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
2 The nub of the question as to whether feminism is compatible with Christianity is that of whether a Christology can be found of which it may be said that at least it is not incompatible with feminism .
3 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
4 Paragraphs ( c ) , ( e ) and ( f ) deal with the question of whether a direction would be " equitable " .
5 Our findings suggest that this inclusion is the primary determinant of whether a landmark will be used to predict where something else is located .
6 How particularly English that question of whether a chap will ‘ fit in ’ .
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