Example sentences of "of being [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As consolation , he accepted a £1,000 cheque and the additional prize of being named the Institute 's top trainee .
2 Since becoming assistant to Monsieur Bonard , he has progressed rapidly in the business and only a week ago he told us of his hopes of being made a partner .
3 It has , however , long been recognised that the court can exercise jurisdiction in personam against an individual present in England or capable of being made a party to English proceedings in cases in which Equity so requires , even where the subject matter is foreign immovable property .
4 A young care-leaver 's chances of being made a housing priority vary from one in three in Scotland to one in four in a London borough or metropolitan authority , to only one in eight in the South of England .
5 But despite the transitional talk of ‘ experimental knowledge ’ , Locke insists that ‘ natural philosophy is not capable of being made a science ’ .
6 ‘ Far from pretending that wives are in general no better treated than slaves … no slave is a slave to the same lengths and in so full a sense of the word as a wife is [ for her husband ] can claim from her and enforce the lowest degradation of a human being , that of being made the instrument of an animal function contrary to her inclinations . ’
7 In fact , its success was such that it was given the ‘ unique honour ’ of being made the secretariat to the Intergroup on Animal Welfare — an all-party committee which discusses welfare issues .
8 It would have served as a substitute-gratification for their own sadism ( i.e. , ‘ I can not retaliate against my father , but I can against my younger brother ’ ) ; but also as a defence on the part of the ego ( i.e. , ‘ I am spared the anxiety of being made the object of an attack if I can instead become the attacker ’ ) ; finally , it would also have contributed a first , rudimentary focus for the superego ( i.e. , ‘ My father is not now the attacker — I am — hence I am to that extent my father ! ’ ) .
9 The ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ listed in these tables are for many areas of study a realistic indication of the grades likely to be required and applicants who hold these grades stand an excellent chance of being made an offer , eg for most degrees in the Faculty of Arts , the Faculty of Science and Engineering , and the less pressured areas in the Social Sciences such as Nursing Studies or Social Policy .
10 Applicants who will have met the minimum academic entrance requirements by the time they enter university stand a good chance of being made an offer : those who have already met these requirements before applying will receive unconditional offers , while those with examinations still to take will receive conditional offers .
11 Suppositions built on postcards and photographs might be as ill-founded as his short-lived suspicions of being followed the night before .
12 The JMP 's channels are : OD1 ( classic vintage style Marshall distortion but capable of being pushed a lot farther ) ; OD2 ( modern , more distorted and thrashy , but can be tamed ) ; Clean 1 ( basically the rhythm version of OD1 , sparkling and natural ) ; and Clean 2 ( ultra sparkly , studio-style clean sounds — very LA ) .
13 In a letter to Kepler of 1597 he was more concerned by the prospect of being dubbed a fool by that ‘ infinite number of fools ’ who found a moving earth derisory .
14 But his grandfather he only saw in brief glimpses , when James called in the hope of being given a shilling .
15 In McInnes v. Onslow Fane ( N.C. , 1978 ) a contrast was drawn between cases involving forfeiture of a licence , ( natural justice applied as there was a right to answer any allegations which had been brought ) , renewal cases ( where in view of the fact that a person 5 livelihood would be affected if the renewal was not granted , there is a legitimate expectation of being given a hearing ) , and initial applications where minimal standards of fairness apply .
16 I was glad of being given an opportunity to learn a good trade .
17 Above all , you need to take advantage of being given the chance to put your own point of view .
18 Within minutes of being given the treatment his walking was much improved , and the following day he was walking around without any sticks and was also able to climb up and down stairs unaided — a thing he had been unable to do for at least two years .
19 GORDON DURIE was sensationally cleared of feigning injury by a Football Association appeal commission last night , wiping out the stigma of being branded the game 's first official ‘ cheat ’ .
20 Yet each year Minton 's hopes of being elected an associate of the Royal Academy were disappointed .
21 She was a genuine radical , not ashamed of being called a socialist , who would never , but never , have said yes to the offer of an honour .
22 YOU long to shower gifts on everyone and hate the thought of being called a Scrooge .
23 Ironically , one graduate of the 1980s remarks , in the same publication , that she finds the idea of being called an embroiderer quite amusing because it conjures up images of the edges of tablecloths ’ .
24 He added that unlicensed premises would be a risk because Camra would have to order thousands of pounds worth of beer with no guarantee of being granted a licence .
25 ( b ) By applying natural justice in situations where there was " a right , an interest , a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing " Per Denning M.R. in Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs ( C.A. , 1969 ) .
26 The courts have also been willing to apply the rules to various licensing decisions on the ground that the applicant had a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing .
27 In Morgan v. Palmer ( 1824 ) 2 B. & C. 729 it was held that the plaintiff was entitled to recover from the Mayor of Great Yarmouth a sum which he had been required to pay as a condition of being granted a renewal of his publican 's licence , the payment having been demanded without lawful authority .
28 The island of Angistri went up in flames within minutes of being declared a wildlife refuge .
29 ‘ Do n't be afraid of being thought a member of the awkward squad : it 's your body , and oestrogen replacement could make all the difference to your present well-being and future health . ’
30 After years of being thought a crank , he is at last being taken seriously .
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