Example sentences of "of an [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The right of an editor to trial by jury is one reason why this law has not been invoked since 1947 : no government will risk the embarrassment of an acquittal .
2 In Schorske 's words , only in Austria was aestheticism ‘ not a form of protest versus bourgeois civilization ’ but ‘ an expression of that civilization , an affirmation of an attitude to life in which neither ethical nor social ideals played a dominant part ’ .
3 However , together the two concepts offer a starting point for the development of an approach to assessment which is systematic , holistic , and incorporates the principle of user and carer participation .
4 To assist in the development of an approach to school internal evaluation in Strathclyde Catholic schools that considers the distinctive philosophy of the Catholic school as a basis for review and development .
5 Here then we have a very clear description of an approach to music education that places the emphasis firmly on the creative exploration of the medium , in a way that is refreshingly new compared with the approach found in more traditional music departments .
6 The work of Burns and Stalker that we briefly introduced earlier is an example of an approach to organisations using the concept of a system .
7 Two years later Francis Joseph showed that his controlling influence was a reality when , during the Balkan crisis of 1913 , he ignored the demand of the entire council of ministers for the presentation of an ultimatum to Montenegro .
8 L 379 , p. 1 ) , according to which the levying of any customs duty or charge having equivalent effect and the application of any quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect were prohibited in the internal trade of the Community ; ( c ) article 8(1) of that Regulation , which , as regards the payment of an indemnity to producers who were not members of a producers ' organisation , provided that such an indemnity was to be granted without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the recipients ; ( d ) article 27(2) of that Regulation , which laid down for all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the member states the principle of equal access to ports and first-stage marketing installations in the other member states ; ( e ) article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which authorised the member states to determine the detailed rules for the utilisation of the quotas allocated to them , in accordance with the applicable Community provisions ; and ( f ) article 13(2) of Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3094/86 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources ( Official Journal 1986 No .
9 For example , to commit an account of an incident to paper is to endow it with a permanence and visibility to senior staff which may result in the creation of further — seemingly unnecessary — work .
10 In Division One he was subjected to a lot of dubious physical challenge and then , as Palace managers came and went , Vince 's role was constantly changing , so that he became something of an enigma to Palace fans who would one week marvel at his sinuous skills and near-perfect control but then despair at his virtual anonymity the next .
11 Hence , the likelihood of an attribution to Smart is reduced .
12 The systems approach is now explicitly used in biogeography and Simmons ( 1978 ) , for example , in discussion of the ecosystem scale distinguishes two approaches that are often made : one which is synoptic and develops from intuitive perception of an ecosystem to studies of ecological cohesion including , where relevant , the significance of human activity ; and another approach which is more analytical whereby measurements are made of the flow and partitioning of energy through the ecosystem and of the cycles of mineral nutrients within the system .
13 Add a tablespoon of media and voila — the perfect setting for two of the centres to toot their horns by claiming discovery of an analogue to AIDS in monkeys .
14 While this is demonstrably true of most business equipment , fax remains something of an exception to date , neither needing nor getting a " sexy " image — the sales are simply too good already .
15 The question of an invitation to Gorbachev to attend the G-7 meeting was also raised at these meetings .
16 The culmination of this process was the initiative which paved the way for a Soviet commitment to Cuba : the issuing , in late November 1959 , of an invitation to Anastas Mikoian — then in Mexico — to visit the island .
17 ‘ The speed humps will be built in a special way which makes them less of an inconvenience to buses , ’ said Mrs Standing .
18 By means of an appeal to Lenin , Bashkirs were able to secure some positions in the government , only to have their agreement with Moscow cancelled a year later when Bashkiria was forcibly incorporated in the RSFSR .
19 There was no question of an appeal to justice : it was the penitent 's cry for forgiveness .
20 Some of these are further extended in the detached bungalow analysed by King ( 1984 ) , as part of an opposition to elements of modernity and urbanization which constitute the major transformations of the environment over the last two centuries .
21 It is therefore in the age of modern popular politics after 1789 , the age of movement towards democracy , that we see also the development of an opposition to democracy with a more sophisticated theoretical basis than any since the time of Plato .
22 It is perhaps because of an effort to buck the trend towards an insufferable and market-conscious cleverness that we are witnessing an attempt amongst more committed narrators to seek out a way of dealing directly with the emotions , without all the paraphernalia of intrigue and description that has accumulated over the past few years .
23 Other controversial congressional decisions had included the granting of an amnesty to Bucaram 's brother , former presidential candidate Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz [ see p. 36343 ] , who had been accused of corruption when mayor of Guayaquil ; and the dismissal of 16 Supreme Court judges on Oct. 5 .
24 This was followed by the scientific report of an expedition to Barra organised by the Biological Society of the University of Edinburgh ( Forrest et al. , 1936 ) , which included an account of the vegetation ( Watson & Barlow , 1936 ) .
25 The ‘ transnational relations ’ approach , therefore , is not a specific theory but more of an injunction to researchers to pay more attention to non-governmental entities , particularly when they are interacting with governments .
27 Consider for example the proposition that the average human possesses one breast and one testicle , a grievous misapplication of statistics no doubt , but less of an affront to logic than the argument of the weather forecaster , seized on by John Allen Paulos : with a 50 per cent chance of rain on Saturday and a 50 per cent chance on Sunday , he declared , ‘ it looks like a 100 per cent chance of rain this weekend ’ .
28 But observers were sceptical about the prospects of an end to rebel military activity in El Salvador and the call for a larger United Nations role in verifying compliance with the accord and aiding in the disarming of rebel forces .
29 Neither side can afford to be blamed for the collapse of a dialogue which had raised Spanish hopes of an end to ETA violence .
30 Non-stop mix-transfers are a three-handed job , and you will need the help of an assistant to cue-in the music material and to take care of the changing of source-discs and or cassettes on the replay machine if required .
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