Example sentences of "of the first [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This may easily be demonstrated by substituting only the products of Legendre functions of the first kind into the condition ( 7.15 ) , which can not then be satisfied .
2 A remarkable feature of the first kind of Friedmann model is that in it the universe is not infinite in space , but neither does space have any boundary .
3 The whole emphasis of the first Act in 1889 was on espionage and treason .
4 I thought of him now — he was called Mike Jarvis and he was a great skateboarder — as the congregation swept up the steps , past me and Mrs Danby , and Pike triumphantly pushed back the curtain to reveal the inner sanctum of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
5 People do laugh in meetings of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
6 I was no longer part of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
7 As I went through the drab little hall , I wondered whether there was an overseas branch of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist and , if so , whether it contained a man called Danzig .
8 Sister Margaret Murphy was one of the first nurses in Ulster to train in administering chemotherapy .
9 Sister Margaret Murphy was one of the first nurses in Ulster to train in administering chemotherapy .
10 Some difficulties were experienced in the interpretation of SCOTVEC guidance documents , but this was to be expected as we were one of the first colleges to be involved in developing units for the HNC Pilot Scheme , and telephone communication with the SCOTVEC Curriculum Development Officers , who were most helpful , usually resolved them for us .
11 I remember going on one of the first ones with the boss .
12 I was one of the first ones to be flown out and then there was a postal hold-up so I had real trouble finding out what was going on , and also trying to organise to have him brought home .
13 Was , your room one of the first ones to be done Heather ?
14 Sugar was one of the first imports to be reprocessed and used in new products made in Britain , such as jams or biscuits or sweetened drinks .
15 Sony Corp appointed Michael Schulhof , now vice-chairman of Sony USA Inc , to the post of president and chief executive of its US unit , which will be renamed Sony Corp of America : Schulhof joined Sony in 1974 after a mainly academic career as a physicist and worked on the development of the compact disk ; in 1989 , he became one of the first Americans to be appointed to the board of a major Japanese company .
16 In 1549 , two years after the close of the first session of the Council of Trent — the Council whose stupendous achievements encompassed the comprehensive definition of Catholic doctrine and the unchallengeable assertion of papal power , and which has been described as the creator of the modern Catholic church — John Hamilton , archbishop of St Andrews since 1547 , held the first of his own reforming councils .
17 Short , playing black , dominated the game throughout , and at the end of the first session of play on Tuesday he had a clear advantage in an endgame with superior pieces and a very strong passed pawn .
18 The autumn of 1529 not only saw the fall from power of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey , who had dominated religious and political life in England for the previous fifteen years , but also the beginning of the first session of the Reformation Parliament .
19 At the end of the first session of the 97th Congress , Helen Dewar reported in the Washington Post : Even one of Reagan 's severest critics , Tip O'Neill , the former Speaker of the House of Representatives , does not underestimate Reagan 's early achievements : ‘ ( He ) pushed through the greatest increase in defense spending in American history together with the greatest cutbacks in domestic programs and the largest tax cuts the country has ever seen . ’
20 At the end of the first session of interviews , there was inevitable frustration .
21 A minor controversy arose briefly because the resignation of the outgoing Cabinet and the appointment of the new Cabinet had taken place before the closing of the first session of the new Federal Assembly on June 27 , contravening the Constitution .
22 Quoting the 1989 Constitution , Aikhomu said that only the future president had the authority to proclaim the holding of the first session of the legislature .
23 In my view , these figurines are evidence of the first consequences of the coming Neolithic trauma — the beginning of weaning and the loss of the primal mothers .
24 Severe recent flooding in the Andes was one of the first consequences of El Niñshow the impact of global warming , with a 0.041° C mean increase between 1963 and 1990 .
25 The ‘ Hope Dionysus ’ was one of the first acquisitions for the Met 's Greek and Roman Art Department by curator in charge Carlos A. Picon , who assumed his position in 1990 .
26 One of the first houses in the goldfields was built to welcome them and the two children ; the roof was not on by the time they arrived but many miners joined in helping to complete it , the sight of two young Englishwoman being a delightful rarity .
27 Now denoting the nominal demand for money by MD , we can write in functional form : unc A simplified version of this function can be obtained by using real national income ( Y ) as an indicator of total wealth and by assuming that h is constant and that the function is homogeneous of the first degree in P. We can then write the real demand for money as : unc Monetarists generally believe the demand for money to be fairly unresponsive to interest rate changes ( and this is supported by empirical evidence ) .
28 A significant difference between Phaistos and Knossos arises because virtually the whole of the first temple at Phaistos was replaced when the site was redeveloped after the 1700 BC destruction : only the Central Court remained .
29 JAMES CLEMENTS , a jovial rotund Englishman who runs the Sek Kong detention centre for Vietnamese boat people , could barely contain his satisfaction when telling reporters that nothing out of the ordinary happened when camp inmates heard news of the first deportations from Hong Kong .
30 Edwards , switched to scrum-half for the injured Andy Gregory , was the catalyst of a well-disciplined performance by Wigan who now need one point from three matches to be mathematically assured of the first leg of their league and cup double objective .
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