Example sentences of "of the first part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 • REM sleep can ‘ squeeze ’ deep sleep out of the first part of sleep towards the middle of it .
2 Thus , during the disorder of the first part of the 1980s , the authorities utilized the 1936 Act procedure to ban many more marches than they had done before : in 1981 alone , there were 42 banning orders , and the figures for the following years were also high : 13 , 9 , and 11 in 1982 , 1983 , and 1984 respectively ( Home Office , 1985b : 23 ) .
3 In the case of William Wordsworth we are fortunate in possessing his own very full account of the first part of his life , roughly down to the mid-1790s , in the ‘ Poem ’ addressed to Coleridge which we now know as The Prelude .
4 Eardisley would have been provided with its station building for the opening of the first part of the line in 1863 .
5 Although the majority of individuals have a high-grade stenosis , this lady had marked irregularity of the first part of her left anterior descending vessel , with a narrowed perforator branch , angiographic features of thrombus but without vessel occlusion .
6 So the argument we have now reached seems to be a complex defence of the first part of that first sceptical argument .
7 Durkheim saw the centrality of the prison as largely brought about by the operation of the first part of his first law : prison was a milder penalty than capital and corporal punishments and so became adopted as collective sentiments became more sympathetic to the criminal 's suffering .
8 The trend towards greater leniency for most offenders can be explained by the operation of the first part of Durkheim 's first law , which postulates increasing leniency as collective sentiments become more secular .
9 To that extent it could well be said , and indeed I do find and hold , that the effectiveness of the first part of the order takes away the substance , as it were , of the whole order .
10 Upon receiving names they fly off into orbit , and return one by one during the course of the first part of the novel to be given ‘ rebirth ’ by Someone .
11 The publication of the first part of the Strategic Study of the Profession was followed by widespread consultation with regions and branches .
12 The bulk of the first part of this book is devoted to the contractual relationship between the buyer and seller , i.e. the rights and duties between them .
13 Any unmixed foil unsold by the buyers clearly still belonged to the Dutch sellers by virtue of the first part of clause 13 .
14 That was the subject of the first part of the hon. Gentleman 's question .
15 In the context of the first part of the hon. Gentleman 's question , I must ask him to appreciate that one of the important matters now being examined by the chief executives of the agencies is the issue of greater pay flexibility and performance pay , so that better results can be achieved , both by individuals and in terms of customer service , from a given amount of pay .
16 At endoscopy , an average of two biopsy specimens were taken from the anterior and posterior walls of the first part of the duodenum , and immediately fixed in a solution of 10% formalin/ saline .
17 In the face of the low cereal prices of the first part of the century , this meant a rising trend until the mid 1750s then a sharp and sustained deterioration as the cost of living increased .
18 To a very large extent the sources of the first part of the period which suggest calamity are moralizing tracts intended to prompt spiritual and social reform .
19 I would agree entirely with all of the first part of your discourse Mr Chairman ,
20 This technique is one of the prominent syntactico-semantic features of the first part of the novel , and it does not disappear in the second and third sections .
21 These characteristics are a most notable feature of the language of the first part of the novel , where the narratorial voice is closely aligned with the people , and Lok is often the focaliser .
22 In this context such formulations have a slightly ambivalent status : " the place where the sun had gone down " ( p. 216 ) or " the water had scooped a bowl out of the rock " ( p. 217 ) are reminiscent of the language of the first part of the novel , but need not , in another context , appear deviant .
23 Erm , we 're coming as it were to the end of the first part of the proceedings , er , but , I 'd like to give a brief thanks to the er , C R group , that 's the Charities Recruitment Group , for the part sponsorship of this A G M Conference .
24 Planning officer Anthony McGreavey said : ‘ The chapel is one of the few surviving buildings of the first part of the 18th century in the town centre
25 my Lord I think , I think your Lordship will find that it 's erm the reference in the first paragraph of directive , the first , it 's sort of the first part of number fifty four
26 Lowell , too emotionally mind-blown to try to make any sense of the first part of the letter , was immediately thrust into action by the second paragraph .
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