Example sentences of "of this [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 Some of this may have been channelled into Pathe , where Mr Fiorini is still co-chairman .
2 The effect of this may have been beneficial to some of the British potters , especially in Oxfordshire where good quality imitations of provincial samian vessels were produced .
3 None of this might have been necessary !
4 But six months ago none of this would have been enough to make him invite her company for longer than was politely necessary .
5 Equally , no purpose would have been served by asking him to approach total strangers in the street , as the mere thought of this would have been so terrifying to the young man that he would probably have given up there and then .
6 Much of this would have been intended for re-export , rather than directly for consumption , but as half of England 's total exports by this time were re-exports rather than domestic products the commercial community suffered enough of a loss to show why the English had to be far more concerned about command of the sea than any other country except the Netherlands , and also how fragile that command was before 1700 .
7 None of this would have been possible without the development of a woven artificial grass .
8 The effect of this would have been to transfer responsibility for venue decisions from the magistrates to the prosecution , while preserving the defendant 's right to opt for jury trial .
9 ‘ A lot of this would have been different then , ’ he explained .
10 All of this would have been enjoyable — or at least bearable — without miserable old mother me having the meanest migraine in living memory .
11 If you had n't come round that night , none of this would have been allowed to happen — ’
12 An understanding of this should have been well and truly introduced into the minds of children by the time they are old enough to play such games as those which simulate parental behaviour .
13 All of this will have been picked up from a multitude of cues within the family — coyness in speaking about religion , sentimental talk at Christmas-time that equates religion with belief in Santa Claus , contempt for the hypocrisy ( real or imagined ) of religious officials , and the equation of religion with fanaticism and political reaction .
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