Example sentences of "of her [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 7.00 a.m. : rise from a bed in an open dormitory shared with five or six other girls ; 7.30 : breakfast , followed by bedmaking ; 8.30 : early morning lacrosse practice or running round the lake ; 9.00 : chapel ; 9.20 : three periods of lessons or prep ; 11.20 : break for buns and milk ; 11.40 : two periods of lessons or prep ; 1.00 : lunch ; 1.40 approximately : a house meeting in which each of thirty-six girls had to inform the housemistress of her activities for the afternoon , and other house business was discussed ; 2.00 : lacrosse ( tennis , cricket , running ) or , if the weather was bad , country dancing , or , with luck , a shampoo ; 3.20 : wash and change into non-uniform clothes ; 3.45 : tea ; 4.00 : four periods of lessons or prep ; 6.40 : house prayers ; 7.00 : supper ; 8.00 or 8.30 , depending on age : half an hour to be spent in chitchat with the housemistress in her room ; 8.30 or 9.00 : bathtime followed by bedtime .
2 One of her fears for the future of white water rodeos is that they almost inevitably will become more serious competitions and less friendly .
3 The majority of exhibits have been borrowed from private collections , many of which Dr Barnett has unearthed in the course of her researches for the books and she has chosen works which exemplify Kandinsky 's mastery of technique and his experimentation with processes such as stencil and spray technique ( diluted watercolour sprayed onto paper with an atomizer or blowpipe ) .
4 She tells Hello ! of her wishes for the baby : ‘ One is that everything goes well at the birth .
5 In truth she had done remarkably well staying out of her clutches for the past three days , but then , she reflected ruefully , Adam had kept his promise , staying practically glued to her side .
6 In addition , the Treasury has offered an ex gratia payment of £580 to Ms Anouschka Zagorski , studying law at King 's College , London , to reimburse the cost of her fees for the last academic year .
7 One of her contributions for the home-baking stall came labelled ‘ with love from Helen ’ .
8 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
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