Example sentences of "of they [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But bands of armed rebels from sundry factions still extort food from villages , some of them across the border in neighbouring Sierra Leone .
2 ‘ It 's not just the money , ’ he said , stabbing at his beans and sending a scattering of them across the table .
3 He poured wine into two of the cups and slid one of them across the table so that it was within Sidacai 's reach .
4 I see , so that measures the speed of them across the screen this way you can time it .
5 A lot of them off the field which have got nothing of course to do with him .
6 Not only that , it pulled some of them off the gate and threw them away .
7 It 's simply that six legs is the smallest number of legs you can have such that you can take exactly half of them off the ground and not fall over .
8 If one plots the sites of all the recently-active volcanoes in the world on a map , one finds that several distinct , narrow chains exist , some of these running along the edges of continental land masses , some along island arcs and some of them through the sea [ see Fig. 1 ] .
9 Eventually they are turned to stone , but they retain not only the outward shape that they had in life , albeit sometimes distorted , but on occasion even their detailed cellular structure is preserved so that you can look at sections of them through the microscope and plot the shape of the blood vessels and the nerves that once surrounded them .
10 The customer services team are rarely seen by customers but maintain close contact with every one of them over the telephone .
11 She said : ‘ I hit one of them over the head in the bedroom and then I got going .
12 Leaving strict instructions to Joanne to stay there at all costs and to both of them under no account to let anyone in , he hurried to the Cortina and set off for Fleet Street .
13 Provision for the effects of transfers of employees and liabilities in respect of them under the Transfer of Undertakings ( Protection of Employment ) Regulations 1981 and transfers of pension rights .
14 The Chernobyl Help organization , chaired by chess master Anatoly Karpov , claimed that around 1,000 of the " liquidators " had died , 70 per cent of them under the age of 40 , and that another 5,000 had contracted illnesses related to the accident .
15 The defendant pointed to the close relationship of those witnesses and Paulette , the background of tension and domestic strife and the animosity of each of them towards the defendant and stressed the ease with which their evidence could have been fabricated and the absence of corroboration .
16 If you are using a lot of abbreviations in a document keep a note of them beside the keyboard as you can easily produce a lot of nonsense if you accidentally use the wrong abbreviation .
17 He started to sort his papers into a neat pile , putting some of them into a briefcase .
18 The force of the story threw the four of them into a babble of communion .
19 He put the majority of them into a Greek-speaking , instead of an Aramaic-speaking , world .
20 IN TWO separate investigations , astronomers have found evidence that encounters between two galaxies can turn one of them into a quasar .
21 Can you get some of them into the hall ?
22 Richards saw that Woolley was trying to do more than train them , and lead them , and pass on the lessons of experience : he was also struggling to turn each of them into the kind of person that he himself had become .
23 They tried to put some of them into the Land Army , but Lilian was n't quite up to it , were you , my dear ? ’
24 In addition to pamphlets and articles Rawnsley published more than forty books , many of them about the life , history , and literary associations of the Lake District , and , influenced by Alfred , Lord Tennyson and William Wordsworth [ qq.v. ] , a vast output of poetry .
25 I should save the trip until the weekend , when we can all go , besides , she 'll be bored with all your old historical studies , she 'll want to be with other people of her own age , other Americans , perhaps — I mean , there are plenty of them about the place , goodness knows , and that shirt should really go in the wash straight away . ’
26 The estate and the house might both be high-value assets , but the conditions of his inheritance forced him to keep both intact and he got little currency out of them beyond the woodland leases and the shooting rights .
27 The School buildings were by now almost 200 years old , and it is perhaps strange that there is only one contemporary description of them as a school ; " … there is a neat free grammar school " ( The Itinerant , 1st May 1794 ) .
28 Coffin and Gabriel ( it was surprising how quickly he thought of them as a couple ) .
29 This immediately puts the farmer on the defensive and reinforces the public 's perception of them as a complaining , dissatisfied group .
30 ‘ Think of them as a business suit , ’ Trent said .
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