Example sentences of "of make [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But none of these models or any others that we are aware of make allowance for possible differences in root turnover rates within an ecosystem type , nor are root turnover rates intrinsically linked to soil temperature .
2 And in the particular art of making programmes for preschool children , without being violent or patronising , we have some the finest producers anywhere .
3 Some matters were easy to spot , for example , the importance of making provision for pre-nursery children if parents were to be actively involved on the premises .
4 This lays down a general statutory objective of making provision for new or better ways of providing legal services and a wider choice of person providing them , while maintaining the proper and efficient administration of justice .
5 According to the quantity theory , money is held only for the purpose of making payments for current transactions .
6 The cost of making materials for nuclear weapons , and the risk of being caught in the act , are the biggest obstacles facing countries tempted to gate-crash the nuclear club .
7 Sir Alfred was in love with the Cosworth idea of making engines for other people , but I felt we had to restore our position in F1 first .
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