Example sentences of "of which [vb base] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is one selective co-educational secondary school at Worcester College and a large all-age school at Exhall Grange , Warwickshire , both of which draw from a national catchment .
2 In January 1989 the CEGB 's Nuclear Fuel Director was finally forced to admit that nuclear fuel cycle costs ( the majority of which come from the ‘ back end ’ ) had overtaken those of coal stations .
3 Ta'kwanya and ta'kwakomenae are the two components , or forces , of ta'kwaru , ‘ the life of thoughts ’ , both of which come from the crystal boxes of the gods .
4 Companies have other attractions besides the limitation of members ' liability , most of which flow from the separate legal personality with which corporations are endowed under English law .
5 Contracts for the acquisition of computer equipment and software present special problems , many of which flow from the unique nature of computer technology .
6 Coins can make three contributions to this study , all of which derive from the way that coin portraits are normally identified by the inscription that accompanies them and from the fact that they have survived in much greater numbers than have portraits in any other medium .
7 Most mushroom anemones imported into this country are species of Actinodoscus , Rhodactis , and Discosoma , all of which hail from the Pacific and are thus included in shipments from the Philippines , where most marine aquarium inhabitants originate these days .
8 Listening to these ‘ old ’ recordings , most of which date from the early days of this century up to 1939 , one is conscious of a technical vocal mastery , musical understanding and intensity of communication that bridges the years .
9 The museum is housed in a former manor house , parts of which date from the 15th century including a Great Hall and an oakpanelled room .
10 As in so many villages , the parish church is the oldest building , the earliest parts of which date from the 13th century .
11 It belongs to a group of ‘ Venus ’ figurines most of which date from an early phase of the Upper Palaeolithic found over a territory extending from the Pyrenees and North Italy to Central Europe and South Russia .
12 A child 's development always takes place within a context of contemporaneous events , the most important of which result from the parents ' activities .
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