Example sentences of "of a [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The package also has improved ability to construct hypertext links , so that readers can jump from one part of a document to a linked part with a simple click .
2 PAMELA : If that is the answer of a gentleman to such a one as I , it would not , I dare say , be the answer of a gentleman to a gentleman .
3 It is possible , therefore , to apply the considerable power of a computer to the process .
4 Such characteristics could have a corrosive and debilitating effect on the entire staff of a school to the obvious detriment of children as well as teachers .
5 ( No. 2 ) [ 1990 ] 2 Lloyds Rep. 526 Hirst l-held that it was a dear benefit or an avoidance of a disbenefit to the defendants that the plaintiffs agreed to take delivery of a ship on the contract date since —
6 The government argued that the previous system distorted business competition through the variation in rate poundages across the country ; further , that it undermined the accountability of a council to the people in its area .
7 In an exchange of letters with lay critics of the Royal Society of Chemistry-s award of a fellowship to the ‘ world-ranking scientist and academician ’ , J. S. Gow , the Society 's Secretary-General , had tried to distance it from the Romanian laureate .
8 ‘ It 's best to have one yearly , after forty , and quite frankly — your breasts are a bit of a nightmare to a doctor . ’
9 In the apt selection of active incidents , the clear response of a hero to the challenge of danger and the support of interesting detail , Forester 's books followed the conventions of adventure-story which had governed ‘ boys ' stories ’ for two centuries and the undercurrent of irony in the presentation of Hornblower as reluctant hero was hardly insistent enough to perplex immature readers .
10 The question of whether the cash equivalent of a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords , in the case of Pepper v Hart .
11 The interest in terrorism of the man born 52 years ago at Harrow-on-the Hill , the son of a clerk to a Scottish distillery , seems unlikely .
12 He then took various jobs including that of a clerk to an estate agent , a shop assistant in a department store and even as a tea taster for a firm of tea merchants .
13 They came from almost every variety of home , from one grandson of a duke to the son of someone who survived on a small-holding .
14 The component parts of the woodwork for the sides , backs and quarters were assembled in jigs by a gang of finishers , and when completed they were transferred by means of a conveyor to the trimmers , who were supplied with cloth and other material cut to the correct size and stitched .
15 Administration of a drug to the mother also means its administration to the fetus or neonate through placental transfer or breast milk .
16 Nowadays , most people 's idea of a tribute to the transgressive joys of altered states is ‘ A Trip To Trumpton ’ .
17 If you believe that the Eighties are something of a tribute to the independent trustee system , then it 's a pity that this centralisation is developing .
18 Then , the Hommage à Picasso with which Gris made his sensational début at the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 , must have had the character of a tribute to the chef d'école .
19 With slight exceptions — for example , in room N12 at Fishbourne , where the mosaicist has misunderstood the relation of a net to the pattern of lozenges and cones — they would have been instrumental in the making of an acceptable product .
20 In this regard , it is sufficient to point out that a requirement for the registration of a vessel to the effect that it must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within the member state in which it is to be registered essentially coincides with the actual concept of establishment within the meaning of articles 52 et seq .
21 The second method is for central planning to make the master plan and then to hand over the outlines of a sub-plan to the departments who fill in the details of their own sub-plan .
22 This is because the raising of such a defence may involve the necessity of a reference to the European Court of Justice under article 177 of the Treaty .
23 After the fall of a fort to the perfidious French ( Patrice Chereau ) , Hawkeye has to protect the girl from Magua ( Studi ) , a vengeance-crazed Huron .
24 At home , he had quelled the murmurings of those who wanted a clear sign of what the regime 's institutional future was to be , without committing himself to a date for the return of a monarch to the leadership of the state , and without specifying who his successor would be .
25 The error is well-ingrained , however : in chapter 5 we look at another famous image of the world 's relation to God coined by William Paley , that of a watch to a watchmaker .
26 Theatre architecture is far less of a handicap to the absorption of an audience in the plight of Miller 's characters than his creaky dramaturgy and reverence for the banal and the hokey .
27 ‘ It 's more of a fantasy to a lot of people , not a religion as such .
28 The CDU proposed the addition of a clause to the Basic Law ( constitution ) which would allow the authorities to reject applicants for political asylum entering Germany from a third country in which they were not at risk of political persecution .
29 Fights can take place anywhere , from the back room of a pub to a municipal hall .
30 As a rule of thumb , every storey makes a difference of one-tenth of a second to a building 's period .
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