Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun] [v-ing] a " in BNC.

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1 Signe brought me coffee in a pot with a felt cover that had eyes and a nose , then she sat on the edge of my bed holding a silly conversation with the felt cover while I drank my coffee .
2 And as a kid , you live very Technicolour experiences , and it all influences how you live the rest of your life , and so since all that horror , I 've spent the major part of my life making a safe place for myself .
3 Before I start I actually spend most of my time writing a behavioural measurable etcetera objective .
4 When working with mice in an isolator they may be picked up by the base of their tail using a pair of large forceps with rubber sleeves on their tips .
5 Staff have been given the effective reward of being valued through a positive acknowledgement of their competence providing a greater sense of identity and improving self-esteem .
6 Meanwhile our three cutters , Active , Safeguard and Swift also came out of hiding , the roar of their engines sounding a death knell for Eloise as they closed in to arrest the white yacht .
7 They were , therefore , more likely to have a regular partner , to have less contact with former friends , and to be spending the greatest proportion of their time fulfilling a traditional domestic role .
8 At Oxford and Cambridge , dons were reputed to spend much of their time reading a slightly higher ‘ body in the library ’ sort of book .
9 They would apply it to the mucus membrane of their vagina using a broomstick .
10 The deal , which should enable BP to restart output soon , is the first of its type involving a major international oil company since the Venezuelan industry was nationalised in 1976 .
11 They are completely regular solids : each has all of its faces repeating a regular polygon , triangle , square or pentagon .
12 Nevertheless , the Japanese , with relatively few elements of their three-million strong army , achieved more rapid success than they had expected : by 11 January 1942 they had occupied the Celebes ; on 4 February the Allies on Amboina surrendered ; on 15 February Singapore fell , and on 19–20 February Timor was invaded , the main force of its defenders surrendering a few days later .
13 And the British Government , churchgoers like Postlethwaite , would hardly be likely to take kindly to one of its servants invading a church .
14 That is not bad considering that it spends so much of its time pulling a boat around .
15 It moves smoothly and pleasantly through the course of her dedicated career without any recognition of her gender constituting a difficulty .
16 She was n't heavy and although I 'm no weight-training freak , I lifted her until her backside was balanced on the tailboard and then it was just a matter of rolling her in to the well of the truck , the back of her head making a satisfying thud as she landed .
17 The Braun Independent heated up very quickly , but Sarah found it tricky to use the tong without the ends of her hair having a kink .
18 ‘ The bin men were just about to climb into their lorry when a woman came running out of her house carrying a black bin liner .
19 The sister comes out of her office holding a small night case and a black garbage bag tied with string , bulging and misshapen like an over-stuffed cushion ; there is already a split down one side .
20 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had spent much of his life combining a climb towards the summit of the Shiite hierarchy with the elaboration of a coherent set of ideas about what was wrong with both contemporary Iran and much of the outside world .
21 Frere stepped on to the ice , sniffed at the cold air , and then , hands clasped at his back , the tail of his frock-coat lifting a little in the breeze , he sailed off .
22 He feels so close to the nature of the place that he is photographed on the jacket of his book wearing a curious hat and holding the tusk of a wild pig .
23 His tongue-in-cheek comment came as he departed from the text of his speech launching a campaign to encourage hotels to adopt environmentally friendly practices to praise the restoration of Warsaw 's new Bristol Hotel .
24 CBS Records were inside holding their annual international conference , and Elvis stood in the street performing a selection of his songs using a small portable amplifier , just as his debut single ‘ Less Than Zero ’ has just been released .
25 This last noise occasioned by a solid pellet of his spittle hitting a brass spittoon . )
26 The owner of Redi-Hot , who seemed to spend most of his time reading a guide book , told Mr and Mrs Wordmaster , who looked suitably impressed , that Thunder Bay , one of Canada 's largest ports , was at the far west end of the St Lawrence-Great Lakes seaway and should really be called what the locals called it , The Lakehead .
27 Then he studied me again , breathing heavily , the corner of his mouth twitching a little .
28 It was not uncommon to see him slipping out of his darkroom carrying a head partly wrapped in old newspaper : evidently , we now rule Rome .
29 NEIL KINNOCK is not the only member of his family facing a date with the examiners .
30 The sight of his figure pushing a trolley loaded with cleaning utensils , mops , brushes arranged incongruously , though always tidily , around teapots , cups and saucers , so that it at times resembled a street-hawker 's barrow , became a familiar one around the house .
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