Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But I thought , sitting there on the side of my bed looking out over the trash-filled street with the sound of the trucks grinding and roaring down the thoroughfare , that He must be something like the sun rising out of the ocean on a cloudless day .
2 ‘ I did n't feel like spending the rest of my life waiting around for the parts David Niven turned down , ’ was how he expressed it .
3 When questioned at the time , and for some time afterwards , as to what the novel was ‘ about ’ , I would reply vaguely that it referred to a period in my life in the 1960s , when I was married to a successful pop star and spent much of my time travelling up and down motorways , lulled with anti-depressants and sitting , an immobile non-person , in the back of a sealed , silent and chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce .
4 I lead a very chaotic life and spend a lot of my time running around like a maniac so that keeps me fairly fit .
5 I was mostly bored by the degree course I was doing and spent more and more of my time skiving off to extra-mural classes in Women 's Studies , which were just beginning to happen , and devouring feminist books .
6 My first memory is of falling off a rather high bed at the age of three years on the evening that my parents had moved into a house near the top of Hampstead Heath , and of my Father going off on his bicycle to search for a doctor as I had cut my head .
7 I have problems with the barbels of my Corydoras wearing down .
8 And when I think of my daughters growing up in that atmosphere , in that society , I feel I must try to avoid it if in any way I can .
9 Was that the echo of my whisper wafting around in the darkness ?
10 Muslim ones tend to shrivel up at the thought of their women going out to work .
11 When they complain about ‘ stress ’ they are not saying they want to spend the rest of their lives lazing about in the sun being brought rum bamboozles on a silver tray ( though the idea has its appeal ) .
12 There they have been working with individual patients who , for one reason or another , spend most of their lives sitting down — some of them in wheelchairs , unable to walk at all .
13 Once few dared the wrath of Caledor , for their Dragonriders could ravage a foe 's armies and lands in hours , the great leathery wings of their mounts blotting out the sky with their numbers .
14 He said that Lubavitch offered counselling for parents distressed by the prospect of their children throwing up a lucrative career for a life of prayer .
15 East European military attaches and trade missions spend much of their time buying up every sort of book and technical journal and visiting every trade fair around Europe and America .
16 On windsurfers children are particularly quick learners since they spend much of their time messing about on boards , and in the process find out how to handle their boards and rigs in a number of unorthodox positions .
17 As a result , they spend much of their time sitting down in the thick layer of muck which can inflict burns to their hocks and breasts , and they may also develop ulcerated feet .
18 Without wishing to detract from the impact of the number of dogs put to sleep weekly by the RSPCA , it must be realised that this number would be much higher if vets themselves did not also spend much of their time carrying out euthanasia .
19 The legs look like the sort of legs that spend most of their time running round after sheep or clasped ( for dear life ) around a large horse .
20 I like it when when wh it floods in town and you can go down and watch foreigners standing looking at the roofs of their cars floating down the Ouse and you think Yeah ! .
21 The truck climbed steeply , the sound of its engine echoing back from thick forest .
22 Fully restored flour mill with much of its machinery dating back to 1730 .
23 Both these auditory cues should become associated with food and acquire conditioned reinforcing properties , but by virtue of its onset occurring in relatively close proximity to the food , the tone is likely to acquire somewhat more power than the clicker .
24 Sun Microsystems Inc management estimates it is spending 10%-15% of its revenues moving over to Unix SVR4 : that must mean , that when the exercise is over , it will be rolling in cash .
25 Just over the edge of the cliff the most wonderful flower of all was growing , roots and leaves out of reach on the rocky perpendicular , but the blue spangle of its bloom poking up invitingly at the jagged rim of the cliff .
26 Because of the specialist nature of the hospital , patients come from all over the country and the CAB spends much of its time chasing up patients ' benefits , contacting DHSS offices all over the country .
27 This sparrow-sized bird is dull brown and grey in colour , and since it spends much of its time scurrying around on the ground , it often looks more like a mouse than a bird .
28 Then she knew nothing but the breaking wave , the sound of her voice crying out long strange words , and the power crushing her .
29 Back in bed , breakfast tray on her knees , slowly and attentively she poured out a cup of tea , the cuffs of her nightdress drooping over her hands .
30 She moved fast down river , the comforting throb of her engines arrowing out wash to be broken on each bank side .
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