Example sentences of "of [v-ing] the same thing " in BNC.

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1 Or are these two ways of describing the same thing ?
2 They seemed like two equivalent ways of saying the same thing , and which form of words you chose seemed a matter of taste .
3 ‘ Perhaps that 's another way of saying the same thing , ’ Hepzibah said .
4 To back up the intuitive sense that there are " different ways of saying the same thing " , Ohmann ( in the article quoted ) enlists the authority of linguistics .
5 Let us think again about what is good in the dualist position : it captures the insight that two pieces of language can be seen as alternative ways of saying the same thing : that is , that there can be STYLISTIC VARIANTS with different STYLISTIC VALUES .
6 We could say simply — John ate fish and chips but there are many other ways of saying the same thing :
7 But in her earlier study where she had viewed the alternants as being ‘ equivalent ways of saying the same thing ’ she did not attempt to ‘ account for the interplay between the differences in modal meaning and the social conditioning in the use of these forms ’ ( Lavandera 1982 : 90 — her translation ) .
8 The patterns could be interpreted in different ways ; one possibility is to argue that the correlation with extra-linguistic variables constitutes evidence that the forms are simply different ways of saying the same thing , that differences in modal meaning which do not affect truth-conditions are merely stylistic and so may be ignored .
9 He came to the conclusion , as he puts it , ‘ that the eternal world is trivial , and that mathematics is only the art of saying the same thing in different words . ’
10 An architecture centre is in danger of doing the same thing and , to that extent , is distinctly against the interests of the membership as a whole .
11 The examples of splitting and lumping therefore , are not alternative ways of doing the same thing .
12 No Act of Parliament ever repealed the privilege of sanctuary within the girth of Holyrood Abbey , but defaulting Abbey Lairds no longer occupied the area where Thomas de Quincey knew he was safe from his creditors and Walter Scott seriously thought of doing the same thing .
13 It has assumed " the system as before " , but with trimmings , and this can be seen in the very use of the phrase " audio-visual aids " , a term which presupposes a type of use , as an adjunct , an added extra , a novel way of doing the same thing .
14 And what would you say to a fourteen year old girl who might be watching this who might think of doing the same thing ?
15 While the prospect of cycling through York is attractive the idea of doing the same thing in Newcastle or Middlesbrough does not have quite the same allure .
16 I was petrified of having the same thing as my mother did .
17 What would turn me either to stone or to desperation would be the boredom of hearing the same thing over and over again .
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