Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [art] second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well Nick , you have n't got the benefit of seeing the second division table in front of you .
2 But the small case load of the House of Lords and the expense of bringing a second appeal have produced suggestions that there is no need for the second appeal if the Court of Appeal were to be free to reconsider its own previous decisions .
3 whether teachers were in favour of producing a second report ;
4 Notice also that there is an alternative and syntactically simpler way of expressing the second version , which is : ( 12 ) Haberup angered his golem We can see exactly the same type of ambiguity in : ( 13 ) Reg ran the engine dry The adverbal adjective version of ( 13 ) corresponding to the question what did Reg do to the engine ? tells us that Reg reduced the engine to a certain unsatisfactory state ( though he may at least have had the sense to stop at that point ) .
5 The Week 's Foundation was in the process of developing a second museum site in the Orlando area — this plan is still on the drawing boards .
6 Divertimento gives you a chance of looking a second time , without much delay , from a slightly different point of view .
7 The only trouble was that in the course of compiling the second inventory the missing artworks were found in a cupboard in one of the museum 's corridors .
8 The new base is at Panormos Bay on the west shore of Skopelos Island in the Sporades and offers air-conditioned accommodation plus sailing off the beach , or the option of adding a second week 's flotilla sailing to the shore-based first week .
9 The fact that many of us start with one playback system housed in a special " video room " encourages the analogy with the language laboratory — and we do n't usually think of installing a second language laboratory unless it 's a very big institute .
10 If he leaves her as soon as she has accepted him , he increases his chances of getting a second female , but by leaving her unguarded he risks being cuckolded by another male .
11 If the system is totally dependent on the successful operation of a single main processor then the cost of providing a second processor for redundancy should be identified .
12 However , if one has a black hole around , there seems to be a rather easier way of violating the second law : just throw some matter with a lot of entropy , such as a box of gas , down the black hole .
13 The charges allege that on various occasions over the 14 months to August last year at the home , she assaulted one woman by throwing her from her bed on to a chair then a commode , putting her in a bath against her will and pulling her along a corridor , and of assaulting the second woman in a similar manner by throwing her from her bed on to a wheelchair and then a commode , dragging her across a room and tying her to a chair .
14 So what has been suggested is that er we examine the possibility of centralising the second line facilities that are normally provided on every base and only do that at perhaps two bases .
15 Such is found to be the effectiveness of having a second person-in-role ( usually another teacher ) that Newcastle upon Tyne Drama Advisory Team have cultivated the idea of offering a ‘ character ’ to the local schools ( they call it ‘ Rent-a-role ’ , so that a class in a primary school , say , working on the topic of The Peasants ' Revolt can — with sufficient notice of course ! — ask one of the team to come into the school as Wat Tyler ) .
16 But Paul came home happy , his blue eyes brilliant as they had been when they first met ; full of his new employment , the prospect of having the second book read , the kindness of the Professor in going to visit Mr Lamprey himself .
17 So she schemed until she found a way of having the second thing without losing the first .
18 Example 103 , from No. 7 of Karg-Elert 's Interludes in Various Keys for organ , shows a mixture of diatonic and chromatic substitution notes typical of this composer : The student will be able to analyse this for himself , but he should beware of treating the second chord in the penultimate bar , or the first chord in the last bar , as triads in their own right .
19 Disease free mucosa from cancer patients was not studied in the present investigation because of the technical difficulty of taking a second biopsy after the tumour had been removed .
20 The result revives Swindon 's flagging hopes of reaching the Second Division promotion playoffs .
21 Last season , of course , we fancied our chances of reaching the second round quite comfortably as our opening opponents were lowly Hellingborough .
22 No one thought this , and his habit of assuming a second personality whom he called ‘ Gordon ’ after the gin , should cast doubt on his fitness for promotion .
23 The gourmet , presented with a difficult choice between two dishes , ponders which will please him more as in other circumstances he might weigh conflicting moral demands , decides which one tempts his palate , chooses to order it without even being conscious of making a second decision , let alone one which requires a logically different kind of support , and afterwards perhaps is disappointed by the dish and regrets having chosen wrongly .
24 In Payne v. Lord Harris of Greenwich [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 754 the court was concerned with the process of making the second decision ( though the division into the two periods of detention was not then clear ) .
25 MIDDLESBROUGH Mohawks face a nervous wait for the safe arrival of Norman Findlay from the United States to boost their chances of lifting the Second Division championship at Wembley on Sunday .
26 That is , the probability of obtaining a word string , W , is given by the probability of finding the first word , w1 , multiplied by the probability of finding the second word , w2 , given w1 etc. , multiplied by the probability of finding the last word , wn , given that all of the previous words were found .
27 So we had to go through a whole charade of auditioning a second guitarist .
28 With doorstep sales , the buyer had a right to cancel an HP or credit sale contract , recovering any payment already made , within four days of receiving a second copy of the agreement .
29 For the purpose of answering the second part of the question he should state that he is assuming that he is wrong in his answer to the first .
30 Charles Spencer said : ‘ There was no thought of exorcising a second time because my father was n't believed to be very ill . ’
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