Example sentences of "of [pn reflx] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the quotations above show , there is a recurrent recognition by the great minds of the Christian faith that we can not separate the knowledge of ourselves from the knowledge of God .
2 We need a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species : as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole .
3 Lacan shows how the recognition of ourselves in the image of the face is based on a misrecognition , since we perceive the face as our own when in fact it is produced in the image outside ourselves .
4 All the same it is extraordinary to find the Roman Church ( 1 ) acquiescing in Constantine 's total indifference to Jesus ; ( 2 ) deferring to Constantine 's presentation of himself as the Messiah ; and ( 3 ) acknowledging the definition of Messiahship — that is , a military and political figure — embodied by Constantine .
5 When giving interviews to the press Hauser liked to paint a picture of himself as the company 's father figure .
6 It was a delicate moment for Franco , who had so closely linked the legitimacy of his power to his presentation of himself as the defender of the Catholic faith .
7 By fostering an image of himself as the inheritor of Charlemagne 's empire , he did much to create that image of Charlemagne which dominated the later middle ages .
8 He kept up an unrelenting gentle moral pressure on his authors or collaborators , and as a commentator , like Tolkien he selflessly put much of himself into the work of others .
9 Gossip put nothing of himself to the test but his patience .
10 There were many complaints about the number of people registering for charity , and the Burgesses ordered that ‘ in future no stranger , journeyman or servant , single or married should remain in the borough longer than six days without giving account of himself to the Mayor ’ .
11 This means that a man sacrifices every other aspect of himself to the job and forgets his other roles , such as father , son , brother , friend and lover , and also forgets that in his teens , perhaps , he liked playing the piano , going to football matches , singing in the choir and writing short stories .
12 And whereas other Renaissance examples of the exhortation to marriage dwell on the delight and solace of the married state , our poet 's argument , by contrast , is directed to the friend 's reproduction of himself for the benefit of posterity .
13 He sat and squinted through watering eyes at a coloured , enlarged picture of himself on the wall ahead of him .
14 He had the curious ability to erase , or at least pretend to erase , from his memory that which did not suit his idea of himself at the time .
15 The Archbishop should be thoroughly ashamed of himself at the failure of the efforts of the Church to create a better society .
16 His reading was hesitant owing to a stammer that tied his tongue whenever he was expected to give account of himself before the rest of the class .
17 Indeed , he thinks that whereas the master fails to gain a proper sense of himself from the slave , because the slave merely carries out his ( the master 's ) will , the slave does gain a certain degree of self-consciousness by means of the work he performs for the master .
18 Man goes out into the world and brings back what a family needs to survive but he does n't find a reflection of himself in the home as a woman does . ’
19 Waugh hated visions of himself in the mirror .
20 Two hours later , full of beer and bravado , Harry contemplated a reflection of himself in the mirror behind the bar of the Glue pot Inn and calculated that , even when sobriety had returned to drain away his courage , he would not change his mind .
21 It was n't until the weekend that he started to pine for some entertainment other than the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror .
22 The businessman should be better able to take care of himself in the transaction , and therefore should require little protection .
23 He should try to think of himself in the kind of situations which the drill sentences suggest .
24 First , the patient 's failure to take care of himself in the knowledge that death will result sooner rather than otherwise — and this would apply to the aged as well as to the terminally ill — may be treated as suicide , despite what has been said .
25 The old man recognised something of himself in the picture , stepped back and narrowed his eyes .
26 Metaphor is a perspective which re-figures the world and the person 's experience of himself in the world .
27 Is not this how we see God revealed in the record of Himself in the Bible ?
28 If we try to identify the media pressed into the service of God 's revelation of himself in the Bible , there is an astonishing variety .
29 ‘ Marxism ’ , on the other hand , Sartre claims , ‘ is History itself becoming conscious of itself ’ ( I , 40 ) : as for Lukács , it is by becoming conscious of itself as the subject of history that the working class will understand history 's meaning — and so recognize itself as the meaning of history .
30 On the other hand , the mere fact that money is paid under protest will not give rise of itself to the inference of such an agreement ; though it may form part of the evidence from which it may be inferred that the payee did not intend to close the transaction : see Maskell v. Horner [ 1915 ] 3 K.B .
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