Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the hidden beauty of Mauritius lies beneath the water 's surface , concealing a world of vivid colour — coral gardens with exotic marine life and over fifty submerged shipwrecks beckon scuba diving enthusiasts , and deep sea fishing is among the best in the world .
2 The realm of Kislev lies to the east of the Empire .
3 But the principal of Somerville stands by the college decision .
4 The Carmel Woods case helps highlight the enormous difficulty of challenging the validity of IDO claims under the 1991 Act and also helps keep the spotlight on the legacy of old minerals permissions which planning authorities are powerless to tackle under the 1981 Act .
5 Table 2 offers a comparison of Grampian exports with the equivalent totals for Scotland as a whole .
6 The strength of Germany derives from the skills of people in industry .
7 As in the case of Bacon , the central importance of Paracelsus rests on the general impetus he gave to the reform of science and on the development of a comprehensive religious and ethical framework for scientific and medical endeavour .
8 The economic history of Byzantium has in the past been examined too much in isolation from the general course of medieval economic history .
9 This is an interesting remark , because the British edition of Lucy differs from the American in key passages that deal with Kalb and officialdom .
10 Since some of those are probably from the same people , it is safe to assume that the aviation user base of Skymaster runs into the low hundreds .
11 The little museum is particularly rich in classical objects because the modern town of Alea stands on the site of ancient Tegea , the capital of Arcadia .
12 Which is where the true worth of Adorable shines through the grey indie morass .
13 HAR DAR DA The complete understanding that all the soil of Myrin passes through the bodies of its earthworms every ten years
14 The second type of church planting activity in the Church of England goes across the parochial boundaries to a neighbouring parish .
15 In Treseder-Griffin v Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd [ 1956 ] 2 QB 127 the rent reserved was £1,900 " either in gold sterling or Bank of England notes to the equivalent value in gold sterling " .
16 The Privy Council on 26 February authorised the Bank to refuse cash payments , and the country banks had to follow suit by tendering Bank of England notes in the stead of gold .
17 On a simple view , the Treasury , as a government department , formulates the financial policy which it wishes to see pursued and the Bank of England decides upon the appropriate technical means of carrying out that policy and is responsible for putting it into effect .
18 The Bank of England operates in the discount market by buying ( rediscounting ) and selling bills .
19 This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates in the sterling money markets and thereby influences the level of interest rates in those markets .
20 The Bank of England stands at the centre of the UK financial system .
21 The south coast of Devon bulges into the Channel between Exeter and Plymouth as if being pushed out to sea by the bulk of Dartmoor and reaching out towards France .
22 Lord Fraser of Carmyllie switches from the post of Lord Advocate to become No 2 in the Scottish Office , replacing Mr Michael Forsyth , the Right-wing anti-devolutionist MP for Stirling , who becomes Minister of State for Employment .
23 The revolutionary democracy of Russia stands for the indivisibility of the State .
24 DENNIS BLAKE of Hyde writes to The Voice :
25 The village of Skelton lies on the east bank of the river Ouse , near Goole , and has a population of just over 100 people .
26 The Port in the name of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port relates to the passage over the mountains to the south-west of the town , the most famous in all the Pyrenees .
27 One road out of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port leads along the valley of the Nive , now grown quite a trifling stream , at least in the dry season .
28 Members of the House of Commons Estimates for the Public Service will be laid before you .
29 Indeed , it is probably true to say that the House of Commons relies upon the House of Lords to do this job , up to a point .
30 Only 15% of the population of Thailand lives in the Bangkok area , which accounts for half of GDP .
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