Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty years later , Charles reminded an assembly of how " a part of the realm was assigned me by my lord and father … and in it the metropolitan see of Sens then lacked a pastor .
2 I was horrified to find a notice at the bottom of Ben More stating No Dogs Allowed .
3 Malcolm Crosby of Sunderland almost became the first caretaker manager to win the FA Cup until Liverpool doused them with reality .
4 Jones referred to ‘ cranks — long-haired men and short-haired women ’ who formed the ( British ) Socialist Party , and explained that the title of NSP better represented the time and circumstances than SDI' because ‘ social democrat was associated with Germany and Germanic thought , and during the present war the action of most of the social democrats of Germany had made the term stink in the nostrils of most people ’ ( SE 1 June 18 ) .
5 The Court of Victoria rightly rejected the contention that a careless act can never give rise to a cause of action in negligence unless there is in existence at the time of the act a legal person affected by it who can sue .
6 Its approaches are guarded by rings of illusion and mazes of spells which means only those selected by the Loremasters of Hoeth ever find the true path to the tower .
7 Nonetheless the US-installed government of Panama recently approved a $2 million budget for arms and military training .
8 While the subsequent Council of Trent greatly strengthened the moral , pastoral and even intellectual life of the Church , it was reluctant to accept any part of the Protestant doctrinal and institutional critique .
9 Robert Passelewe was a Household clerk who after 1228 had been attached to the Poitevin party , shared in their downfall in 1234 , and was restored to favour in 1236 ; his appointment in 1246 as justice of the Forests south of Trent therefore brings the administrative history of the forest into line with that of the Household and the great Departments of State .
10 At the convocation of 1373 , therefore , bishops led the refusal of any grant : Courtenay of Hereford openly opposed the demand .
11 President Vaclav Havel of Czechoslovakia formally opened the Secretariat of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe ( CSCE ) in Prague on Feb. 20 .
12 JACKY Durand , 25 , one of the lesser known French professionals , produced the longest escape in the history of the Tour of Flanders yesterday to win the 164 miles Belgian classic at Meerbeke .
13 THE commander of Serbian forces annexing large areas of Bosnia-Hercegovina yesterday mocked the international recognition of the former Yugoslavian republic .
14 He said that an existing legislative assembly of Kurdistan still enjoyed the recognition of the Iraqi government as the representative body of Iraqi Kurds .
15 He appeared in his home town of Bratislava yesterday to attend the staged trial of Mr Jan Czarnogursky for anti-state activities and was greeted by thousands outside the courthouse .
16 He appeared in his home town of Bratislava yesterday to attend the staged trial of Mr Jan Czarnogursky for anti-state activities and was greeted by thousands who stood outside the courthouse .
17 This preference might endure after the establishment of a double tax treaty ( e.g. the Central Bank of Taiwan still has a preference for euros ) .
18 The Syrian decision to support the West over Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait also reflected the improved relations between Syria and Egypt [ see pp. 37137 ; 37471 ; 37626 ] .
19 PROFESSOR Ron Roberts , head of the Institute of Aquaculture , was invited by the Emir of Kuwait recently to observe the progress being made in regenerating the scientific programme of the Kuwait Institute of Science and Technology ( KISR ) after the devastation of the illegal occupation of Iraq during the Gulf War .
20 ‘ It is time the slaughter of the innocents of Warrington really provoked the people of this Republic and particularly the Government into more than the by now ritual condemnation of such awful acts . ’
21 The Chiltern hundreds of Buckinghamshire broadly resembled the Berkshire Downs , though there was no cloth industry and the hills were ‘ well woodyd and full of enclosures ’ .
22 Having read ( and heard ) so much about Delhi marriages , I was pleased at the very end of February actually to receive an invitation to one under the door .
23 In March the Clydesdale Bank led a mission of 11 companies to Dusseldorf and in June the Royal Bank of Scotland again sponsored the Council 's mission to Madrid and Barcelona .
24 STAFF at the Royal Bank of Scotland yesterday secured a pay deal which included a top-up for the lowest paid .
25 Bonn : RESIDENTS of Germany 's small western city of Arnsberg yesterday commemorated the 1,400 people who drowned 50 years ago after British ‘ bouncing bombs ’ smashed the Moehne dam .
26 A leading figure in this agitation was Captain André Cipriani , a French Creole , who through his prominence as mayor of Port of Spain continuously berated the Crown Colony Government .
27 This was shifted to Oct. 6 and was attended by Joao Baena Soares , Secretary-General of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , but by no other leading Latin American figure ; the King and Queen of Spain also declined an invitation to attend .
28 POLICE investigating horse attacks across the south of England today arrested an 18-year-old youth .
29 The move to the North of England also raises a number of possibilities for mainline operation .
30 As a final point of information , the Bank of England still has the facility to re-introduce minimum lending rate ( MLR ) if it so wishes .
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