Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the death of his wife Lambarde feared he might lose the right to stay at Halling and petitioned a request to Lord Burghley through his friend Lord Cobham , to ask for custody of Maximilian and a lease to the Palace , which was granted a few days later .
2 About ten minutes after take off Deacon had reached a position eight miles East of Filfla and a height of 10,000 feet .
3 By the end of the month the Nikkei Average index , the most important indicator on the Tokyo exchange , had fallen to 17,500 , compared with 22,000 at the start of March and a peak of 40,000 in the autumn of 1989 .
4 goddess of Sais and a divinity of warfare , with her early symbols of a bow and arrows and shield .
5 Maksud Ikramov , chair of the executive committee ( mayor ) of Dushanbe and a member of the Tajik Supreme Soviet , was arrested on March 6 , accused of misusing his authority and of bribe-taking .
6 For safety reasons it is forbidden to leave the bus , and ‘ considering special conditions ’ the lunch menu includes one aperitif , soldier 's beans and bread , a litre of Riesling and a doughnut .
7 The second prize of £1,500 , a case of Laurent-Perrier and a diploma was awarded to Mr James Ogilvie and his staff at the Forestry Commission 's 125,000 acres at Kielder in Northumberland .
8 Anker Simmons , the Mayor of Henley and a member of the Bolney Syndicate , presided over a large gathering of men interested in the formation of a golf club .
9 They include : a late nineteenth-century Italian Travertine marble fountain with sea horses , putti and masks estimated at £150,000–250,000 ( $260–435,000 ) ; a stone jetty with landing stage ; a terrace decorated with bronze dolphin masks , limestone urns and bronze landing rings estimated at £50,000–100,000 ( $87–174,000 ) ; four Italian white marble seats circa 1870 estimated at £20–40,000 ( $34–70,000 ) ; two pairs of Italian white marble herm figures of Pan and a Bacchante circa 1870 , estimate £15–20,000 ( $26–34,000 ) .
10 But I was n't thinking of hiring the Earl of Lichfield and a lot of London models .
11 Some of them , like Sir Robert Birley , the headmaster of Eton and a member of the Fleming Committee , disliked the social selectiveness of the schools and the dependence of admission upon the ability to pay fees , and hoped to see the schools brought fully into the mainstream of national life .
12 It became clear to Truman as the months passed that the Soviet government was taking little heed of these threats and that differences over the composition of the Polish and other East European governments , over the fate of Germany and a host of other issues , remained as wide as ever .
13 The Medau Society has opened a fund in memory of Beryl and a donation will be made every year to Macmillan Cancer Relief .
14 These include the famous letter " Solite " to the Eastern Emperor Alexis of Constantinople and a letter of 1200 addressed to the archbishop of Canterbury and concerning Bishop Mauger , which we shall have occasion to discuss later .
15 Passenger ferry to Craignure on the Isle of Mull for a tour not only of Mull but a visit to Iona .
16 Mr Hunt told a news conference after meeting union leaders in Flint on October 23 : ‘ A moratorium has been placed on the closure of Point of Ayr and a direction has been given by the Government to British Coal that development work must continue at Point of Ayr . ’
17 It displayed particular concern over a possible closure of the Strait of Hormuz and a determination to take action to avoid this .
18 After the war was over , Mr Ozal let it be known that Turkey itself had held talks with Iraqi Kurds , including Jalal Talabani , the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and a critic of Mr Ocalan 's extremism .
19 She had trained as a teacher , and was the daughter of a Colonel of KGB and a probationer member of the Party , it was her duty to participate in the re-education of prisoners .
20 Iran on Oct. 7 protested to the government of Pakistan after a crowd attacked the Iranian consulate in Peshawar .
21 So there was always a bottle of Reisling and a guitar , his Japanese kimono and him staying in bed , looking out of the window at the wolves chasing the train as we went through Siberia in the snow , whereas Geoffrey McCormack ( or Warren Peace as he was known professionally ) and I would get off at nearly every stop if we were awake , and run around on the platform .
22 Wreckage fell through the roof of a market hall near the town of Ludwigshafen and a pilot was reported killed .
23 Witnesses said the bus , carrying 49 Britons on a day trip from Cyprus , was driving through an underpass on the main road leading to the Pyramids of Giza when a man dropped the bomb from a bridge above .
24 In an ideal integrated scheme , cultural controls ( changes in farming habits ) and biological controls would largely supplant pesticides ; in practice , chemical control continues to be an essential component of IPM when a pest population has to be reduced rapidly to minimise financial loss .
25 Brian was an underwriting member of Lloyds and a director of Edward Lumley and Co .
26 Bardic tradition certainly associated members of the Cyndrwynyn kindred with ( probably ) the battle of Chester and a battle in Meigen in the time of Eadwine .
27 I wore shorts , read about Queen Margaret of Scotland and a missionary heroine in Girl , listened to Dan Dare on Radio Luxemburg .
28 It was then the custom of the Church of England that a curate should be ordained to be a deacon ( the lowest order of the ministry ) whose duty was to help the parish priest in all his pastoral duties but who could not perform the priestly acts of celebrating the sacrament or giving absolution or blessing .
29 Section 39 is not itself a legislative provision , so the issue is whether Parliament intended by the legislation conferring such powers on the Bank of England that a section 39 notice should revoke or vary an injunction , or permit a party subject to the injunction to act in apparent breach thereof without attracting the sanctions of contempt of court .
30 RUGBY LEAGUE came out of the north of England because a number of Yorkshire and Lancashire businessmen thought that talented lads should be compensated for time they took off from the pit or the plant .
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