Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Henry of Colden returned from the Crusade to help Philip , and Richard I , Otto 's main supporter , died on 6 April 1199 .
2 The Elector Counts of Ostland live on the north eastern border of the Empire beyond which lie the wild and dangerous Troll Country and the Northern Wastes .
3 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
4 In the gathering dusk of Sunday 18 June 1815 the last act of the bloody drama of Waterloo opened with the Emperor 's order for a general retreat .
5 The treatment was as diverse as the geographical distribution , from the simple four-part settings of the complete Psalter in Polish by Mikolaj Gomolka ( Cracow , 1580 ) , employing tunes drawn from plainsong , Protestant song , and the popular music of Eastern Europe generally , to the astonishing collection of settings of Marot-Bèze published by the Dutch master Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck ( 15621621 ) in four books ( Amsterdam , 1604 , 1613 , 1614 , and Haarlem , 1621 ) .
6 FIG. 1 Mortality , size distribution and maturation of Nephila clavipes in a rich habitat ( Panama , Cerro Galera Hill Road ) .
7 However , the hidden beauty of Mauritius lies beneath the water 's surface , concealing a world of vivid colour — coral gardens with exotic marine life and over fifty submerged shipwrecks beckon scuba diving enthusiasts , and deep sea fishing is among the best in the world .
8 He was suddenly tired and the beer was going to his head , making him think of Madra lying in the house they had left , and of the long journey ahead of them through the mountains .
9 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
10 So you get the impression here of Lincoln talking about an unusual crisis situation in a letter to one of his mates in eighteen sixty four Lincoln goes on Lincoln goes on to , in his letter to a friend to deny that civil war was fought to , to free the slaves er as a moral crusade , he wants no part of that argument .
11 Instead , the naked corpse of Hauser lay on a central table , the chest cavity spread open , and several organs glistening purply on gleaming dishes to either side .
12 A new technique of ‘ direct action ’ , with Bertrand Russell 's blessing though not as yet his participation , began in December 1958 , with a march through the muddy fields of Norfolk leading to the obscure American rocket base at Swaffham .
13 The portrait of Melusina hung above the fireplace and this year 's cat calendar was up on the left-hand wall .
14 Last week the head teachers association of Cambridgeshire wrote to the county council to say that because of critical shortages of books , equipment and facilities and because of oversized classes , it would have serious difficulty providing the national curriculum .
15 Finally , in the treasury of the sanctuary is the Cross of Chiaravalle , a processional cross from the Abbey of Chiaravalle given to the church in 1296 by Ottone Visconti , Archbishop of Milan .
16 The first real sign of Bodyline came during a match against an Australian XI at Melbourne .
17 It is said that when travelling by boat the Duchess of Windsor sent to the bridge for hourly weather reports to be sure that she was appropriately clad .
18 The obvious conclusion to be drawn from this is that precise numbers of TVRs accumulated by a campaign according to BARB , predicted at the planning stage , or promised in a package by a TV contractor , have a significant built-in factor of error : precision is mythical .
19 The realm of Kislev lies to the east of the Empire .
20 The people of Kislev moved into the Old World from the areas east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and founded the kingdom which lies on the north eastern borders of the Empire .
21 But the principal of Somerville stands by the college decision .
22 The town of Swindon expanded around the works and they form an integral part of the towns history , Bill Jeffries is Ken Ryders works manager .
23 But Herks are not the best for VIP passengers and a handful of Daks remained with the unit until 1969 when the VIP element became independent as 21 Squadron .
24 In 1935 a Mr Cole of Middlesbrough complained to the Sea Fish Commission that they were still having to sell at the pre-war prices of a halfpenny fish and a ha'porth of chips .
25 There has been so much interest in the industrial side , while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
26 There has been so much interest in the industrial side while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
27 He singled out as the most significant object , a bronze mace 13½ ″ long in the form of the club of Hercules surmounted by a panel of figures in solid relief .
28 ‘ Oh , do shut up ! ’ said Molly , thinking of Jacqueline left in the sole care of Giovanna .
29 But when the King of Toledo heard of the hurt which he had received at the hands of the Cid , he sent to King Don Alfonso to complain thereof , and the King was greatly troubled .
30 The Carmel Woods case helps highlight the enormous difficulty of challenging the validity of IDO claims under the 1991 Act and also helps keep the spotlight on the legacy of old minerals permissions which planning authorities are powerless to tackle under the 1981 Act .
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