Example sentences of "of [pers pn] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He has eaten plenty of them at the Brighton guest house where the Commonwealth of Independent States team , paid for by race sponsors ADT , have stayed since arriving .
2 The best eye-witness reports came from European officials living in the two important towns of Batavia and Buitenzorg , where there were even some useful scientific recording instruments — one of them at the Batavia town gasworks — and from the officers on board the various vessels that were on passage through the Straits at the time of the eruption .
3 He was a follower of Sham 69 and I remember going to a concert of theirs at the LSE and almost getting beaten up by skinheads .
4 ‘ Lost track of you at the Urvills ’ party , Prentice , ’ Ashley said .
5 Before entering the Church of Our Lady Before the Týn , look in front of it at the Týn School , which is in Gothic style with 16 gables and a strange bulging turret in the centre of the façade .
6 I 'd like to present on behalf of Colonel centre , a plaque from all of us at the Three-Ninetieth at D M Museum .
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