Example sentences of "of [noun pl] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of sodium chloride , there are two moles of ions for every mole of NaCl(s) .
2 Thus , competitive equilibrium models , with all markets clearing , have been used to investigate the incidence of different taxes , whereas a quite separate literature , using aggregate demand/monetary models , has examined the implications of taxes for the level of employment and the rate of inflation .
3 There was no place in Müller 's scale of values for a loser .
4 What causes offence is that he merely represents a shifting of values for the mass of young people .
5 Study the following table of values for the equation y = x + 1 .
6 Modern audiences — I can hear Letterman saying this — wo n't go for the idea that Claudia , who is in some senses — although we ‘ re not spelling this out , okay — a new woman , would take part in the killing of lions for a documentary .
7 In R. W. Cairns Ltd. v. Busby East Church Kirk Session , 1985 S.L.T. 493 , it was held that proper specification is required in the statement of reasons for a decision .
8 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
9 There are a variety of reasons for a belief that structural adjustments to the EC budget are not over .
10 Armed with the written statement of reasons for the dismissal , an employee is in a position to begin proceedings before the industrial tribunal .
11 One of reasons for the survival of the S&C into the 1980s had been its ability to handle diverted WCML trains ; this continued despite withdrawal of Intercity services in the winter 1982–3 timetable .
12 A recent example is Case C-358/90 Compagnia Italiana Alcool v. Commission , in which the Court annulled a Commission decision of 18 October 1990 rejecting a bid for the purchase of a large quantity of alcohol made from wine out of Community intervention stocks , on the grounds that the statement of reasons for the decision was insufficient .
13 7.4 There are a number of reasons for the decision to use Personal Interviews as an Instrument of Assessment in PSD :
14 There were a number of reasons for the lack of success .
15 As a research-based organisation , AEA 's future is dependent on the work done in its laboratories to provide a constant flow of products for the marketplace ; in 1992–93 , we invested £21 million on in-house R&D .
16 He got to his feet , leaving a handful of coins for the bill , then came round to her , bending to give her a swift , hard kiss on the mouth before striding off .
17 There was the usual faff of getting back to the aircraft to get the flying bag , complicated by the imminent arrival of VIPs for the World Fishing Convention .
18 It would seem that groupings of authorities and academic institutions which are geographically close have much to recommend them in terms of the potential savings on travelling expenses , and this is clearly also true in terms of projects for the creation of teaching materials which need to bring together a number of practitioners from different schools on a regular basis .
19 Mr Curran revealed the council was advancing a number of projects for the district including a major new tourist facility in Newcastle and a marina for Killough .
20 Mada Joyce and a neighbour bent over the cooking fire arguing over the best decoction of herbs for the girl 's condition .
21 The importance of authorities for the generation and maintenance of conventions has led on occasion to ill-conceived attempts to explain the nature of authority exclusively by reference to conventions .
22 It seems to be clear that not enough use is made of solicitors for the solution of legal problems .
23 This was the second full year of operations for the company and chief executive , Robert Bauman , commented , ‘ the key objectives of the merger have been achieved and we are now focusing on growth and we have made dramatic strides in our new product programme ’ .
24 However , under U.S. GAAP unrealized gains and losses on contracts yet to expire are measured at each balance sheet date and included in the results of operations for the period then ended .
25 It is more fruitful to look in a concrete way at the relevance of policies for the activity of a minister and his department .
26 Accordingly , the danger with floating exchange rates is that the less formal arrangements for cooperation may foster insufficient inter national cooperation of policies for the alleviation of sustained economic recessions or containment of inflationary pressures .
27 A major change for the National Health Service will be the introduction of contracts for the provision of hospital services .
28 The delay was partly because of disagreements over the allocation of contracts for the construction of 36,000 apartments for returning soldiers at a cost to Germany of DM7,800 million .
29 Of contracts for the benefit of the infant , so far as they do not coincide with contracts for necessaries , a contract for the employment of the infant , where his position in life makes employment desirable for him , is a typical case .
30 A large proportion of public expenditure and a smaller proportion of public revenue arises from the making by the government of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services .
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