Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [be] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fast work : Hundreds of Merseysiders were taking part in a national day of fasting designed to raise money for Oxfam .
2 The study concludes that up to 10 per cent of roads are giving way at the edges , requiring what is known as " haunch repairs " .
3 3 In an earlier article , ‘ The Dematerialisation of Art ’ which she wrote with John Chandler in 1968 , she had also stressed : ‘ As more and more work is designed in the studio , but executed elsewhere by professional craftsmen , as the object becomes merely the end product , a number of artists are losing interest in the physical evolution of the work of art ’ .
4 Just as Inter-railers traditionally take overnight express trains to get a night 's sleep , so small teams of Germans are roaming North America , checking the schedules carefully for flights with catering or overnight trips which save on accommodation .
5 The fact is that the only reasonable method of securing conviction of individuals among a rioting football mob or crowd of lager louts or gang of shoplifters is to use video .
6 Two of the essential needs of animals are to have freedom of movement and to be able to perform most if not all natural behaviour patterns .
7 ‘ A lot of teenagers are leaving school without any sex education , especially gay men .
8 January 1936 : In South Wales , particularly in the Rhonda Valley the tramp of thousands of feet was heard day after day .
9 Nutty was jealous of Nails 's riding Switchback with Biddy all to himself every night but had to admit it had saved their chance for the competition .
10 The Bishop of Kimberley , German-born Erwin Hecht is delighted that his dream of decades is nearing fulfilment .
11 A number of blacks were given government appointments and a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity was set up under Vice-President Johnson .
12 The role of premises is to throw light on a subject ; the role of evidences is to give weight to it .
13 A record number of parents were getting aid through scholarships and more than 100 were being helped under the Government 's assisted places scheme .
14 Mr Lang said a minority of parents were undermining schooling for all children through allowing truancy , failing to teach the difference between right and wrong and leaving education to schools .
15 Quite remarkably , within the space of a few months , the industry reshaped and refashioned itself in advance of 27 October 1986 , the day on which the deregulation of commissions was to take place .
16 The role of grandparents is to give time and unconditional love .
17 of applicants are refused community care grant because they do not meet the basic criteria .
18 of applicants were refused community care grant and just over 50 per cent .
19 A second use of the study of hoards is to provide information about the quantity of coins put into circulation ( fig. 28 ) .
20 Made seriously , these are very grave undertakings , but no one present pretends for one minute that the second set of godparents are mouthing agreement to things they even understand , never mind believe .
21 The failure is said to have its origins in the second half of the nineteenth century when a number of changes were taking place in the structure of British domestic banking , and in the nature of corporate ownership .
22 Salisbury 's reaction at the end of hostilities was to seek security wherever it could be found .
23 According to the Confederation of British Industry , in 1980 when unemployment was at the same level as now , around 5% of firms were reporting skill shortages ; the equivalent figure in 1990 was around 25% .
24 THOUSANDS of families are towing caravan deathtraps behind them on their holidays , a shock survey revealed yesterday .
25 In line with this disjuncture , a persistent suggestion in all sorts of studies is to conduct sensitivity analyses to isolate those elements in any assessment that has a significant impact .
26 Only a small minority of tenants were taking guest beers and few of them were worried about losing them , Tuppen claimed .
27 When an old issue of bonds is approaching maturity , the Bank of England will probably enter the market to buy them back over a number of weeks or months , rather than waiting to the maturity date and then suddenly releasing a large amount of liquidity into the economy .
28 Real industry the making and selling of goods is giving way to the supplying of services and the heritage business .
29 But the study showed over 10 per cent of GPs were prescribing oestrogen only .
30 At the integral level of stylistic affinity — the level at which " schools " of mosaicists are assumed Co be discernable — two separate schools are recognised .
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