Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] over the " in BNC.

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1 Sprawled on his back on the deck , he lay exhausted under a waterfall of waves breaking over the cabin top .
2 All I saw were this pair of legs sticking over the desk and him going aaaaagh !
3 Repeat the process for squares 91 to 135 then 136 to 180 and you will have the first 38 rows of squares printed over the full 180 needles , complete with your colour key .
4 However , Mr Palmer said that a constant video of cars passing over the Severn Bridge at the time , showed no Renault 25 .
5 There should n't have been a cattle herd of feet trampling over the grass .
6 The first , and most general , is the willingness of companies to pay over the odds when they acquire other companies .
7 Success in biomedical careers has long been associated with authorship of publications in peer reviewed journals , and this association may partly explain the exponential increase in the number of articles published over the past two decades .
8 If they are afraid of rats , an iron cage of rats strapped over the chest or face is used .
9 That was the beginning of a series of small books of prayers spread over the next fifty years , which were prayed first and then made available for others who felt the same spiritual need as myself .
10 A huge operation swung into action after a fire at a Cheshire chemical factory sent a cloud of gases drifting over the area .
11 Horizontality is , in fact , preserved by bringing into use an additional pair of wheels under the leading edge of the tank , fitted on the same axle as the main track wheels , one at each end of the axle , and thus outside the main pair , in such a way that they engage with a second , outside , pair of rails laid over the curve ( figure 7 ) .
12 After studying the report , which reiterated the multitude of reservations expressed over the last few months and went on to accuse architect Dominique Perrault of having sacrificed functionalism for the sake of aesthetics , President Mitterrand accepted Perrault 's design , making only the most cosmetic of changes to appease the powerful lobby against the building .
13 The examples below are a selection to illustrate the types of changes envisaged over the three year period up to 1995 .
14 A couple of jets screamed over the island at one point , two Jaguars wing to wing about one hundred metres up and going fast , crossing the whole island in an eye-blink and racing out to sea .
15 Outside there was the sound of wheels crunching over the snow and the creaking of a cart .
16 A cloud of pigeons rose over the poplars , and scattered .
17 The school librarian is provided with a monthly total of items borrowed over the previous two years and a running total of items on loan to each year group .
18 On one occasion the voice of Jack Peach , one of our versatile announcers , described Christmas on the Canadian west coast , including the cries of sea-gulls wheeling over the docks .
19 A mass of bodies scrambled over the shelves , everybody was shouting at one another and books were being thrown in all directions .
20 More twittering as small parties of swallows skimmed over the buck thorn , twisting and weaving , blue-black streaks with fine tail streamers .
21 We put a marker buoy over the site and a pair of divers went over the side to investigate .
22 =23 , p=0.071 , with the number of accidents reported over the last five years .
23 One wall of windows looks over the rusted iron fence of an empty lot , the other on the junk stalls of Finsbury 's Exmouth Market , with their cracked plimsolls and burned-out kettles .
24 By the 1920s an elaborate hierarchy of colours indicated the position of the record within a class system ; the overall range of prices varied over the years , but not the implied class structure .
25 Ruthless penalising of malingerers and also of sides going over the top has brought about a quiet revolution .
26 At eleven o'clock a group of children came over the hill .
27 This data set contains direct DHSS observations of unemployment duration and unemployment benefits which allow the construction of error-free estimates of benefits paid over the unemployment spell for all individuals in the sample .
28 It makes no sense to confine the purpose and scheme of administrative receivership to appointments of receivers made over the property of registered companies .
29 Apart from ice-skating and hockey in my youth , I was not keen on participating in sport , but the sight of skiers gliding over the unmarked hills of newly fallen snow was enticing ; so when the actor Jack Bowdry invited me to have a go at the ski-run atop Grouse Mountain , across the inlet from Vancouver , I agreed with alacrity .
30 Comparisons of prey assemblages of predators hunting over the same area ( Append .
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