Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 The increasing number of states , and the rising legitimacy of states resulting from the increasing democratization of governments ( as it appeared in 1968 ) were important reasons for this development , but the major reason was the new impossibility of actually using force in international relations .
2 The reason for this equality of values arises from the fact that a financial claim is at one and the same time an asset to one economic unit and a liability to another .
3 The ‘ Cicerones ’ will be a team of experts drawn from the universities of Venice and Udine , and the electronics are by Telesia , part of Iacorossi .
4 Much of this land was uninhabited , and for a variety of reasons ranging from the incidence of tsetse fly to the competing claims of different clans , farmers were reluctant to move into it .
5 Crowd psychology : the behaviour of crowds analysed from the perspective of psychology and social psychology .
6 Crowd psychology : the behaviour of crowds analysed from the perspective of psychology and social psychology .
7 For example , the large numbers of coins recovered from the Roman bath at Bath tapered off in number from the middle of the fourth century .
8 An ‘ edition ’ of a book is the whole number of copies printed from the same setting of type .
9 Strings of garlic and bunches of herbs hang from the ceiling , and extra preparation space is provided by a solid table with upright , rush seated chairs around it .
10 Carbon dioxide accounts for half of the greenhouse gases and , in global terms , 75 per cent of emissions comes from the burning of fossil fuels for energy .
11 These protocols specify the percentage reductions of emissions required from the total emitted by the nation during a specified baseline year .
12 A fairly dispassionate analysis by Best ( 1980 ) indicates that the initiation of area bombing of cities resulted from the rejection of strategic in favour of indiscriminate bombing by those in charge of British Bomber Command , and the acceptance of their arguments by Churchill in August 1940 , when the Luftwaffe 's attacks on British airfields in the Battle of Britain was threatening to damage irretrievably the RAF 's powers of retaliation ( Best , 1980 , p. 276 ) .
13 The Migration Period in Scandinavia witnessed the production of objects made from the great quantities of gold accumulated in the Roman world , much of which moved north when the Empire collapsed .
14 Great groans and gnashing of teeth emitted from the ranks .
15 Two assemblages differ from this pattern in having deficits of both molars and incisors over the numbers of teeth lost from the jaws ( Table 3.9 ) .
16 I am disappointed with the volume of calls resulting from the campaign and the number of fact packs which were issued .
17 Notwithstanding the low number of calls resulting from the campaign I would agree that individual taxpayers appreciated the information point which they could contact to deal with enquiries .
18 ‘ Lord , there is a body of riders approaching from the west .
19 Conversely , living in an area of less expensive terraced accommodation or of council houses ( estates composed of houses rented from the local authority are common ) reinforces one 's identification with the working class .
20 Moths fluttered in the light of lamps hanging from the trees as if dancing to the soft , rhythmic jingle of the cicadas .
21 So there is some $24 billion available for intelligence operations which cover a vast spectrum of activities ranging from the covert and illegal to the overt and legal .
22 The variability of patterns resulting from the use of different volumes of hydrogen peroxide also argued against further use of this technique .
23 Within the general array of conflicts arising from the pursuit of national interests there was until recently one predominant conflict , crucial so far as the possibility of nuclear war is concerned , between the US and the Soviet Union , and their respective allies or client states , which affected directly or indirectly all international relationships .
24 The sale also includes a book containing some 145 watercolours and drawings of birds dating from the eighteenth century ( est. £100–120,000 ; $170–205,000 ) , a collection of natural history books , including John Gould 's ‘ Birds of paradise ’ ( est. £12–16,000 ; $20–27,000 ) and a section devoted to globes .
25 Walking down towards the pueblo again , seeing the roomy spread of small farms , the elegant eucalyptus trees which shade them , a handful of birds break from the tall lupins .
26 But perhaps the obvious disparity between individual talents and dispositions which clearly fit some for action more than others , the obvious tension involved between the pressures of active involvement in affairs and the inner detachment necessary for thought and contemplation , and the history of the development of Western institutional Christianity with its strong tradition of groups separated from the world in convents and monasteries , or priests distinguished from the laity by their religious calling , make it after all not so surprising that the discussions of active and contemplative life tended to stress their separation from each other rather than draw attention to a more fruitful affinity .
27 The theory of integrative levels emerged , the essence being that the world of entities evolves from the simple towards the complex by an accumulation of properties or influences from the environment .
28 The critique of functionalism led writers to stress the ‘ relative autonomy ’ of the capitalist state , manifested in its existence as a set of institutions separate from the classes of civil society .
29 In Ulster a full panoply of institutions emerged from the dual pressure of the church 's concern for its people , and the Northern state 's discrimination against catholics .
30 This forms the nucleus of a comprehensive collection of programmes dating from the 1840s to the present day , which continues steadily to increase .
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