Example sentences of "of [art] few [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Staring is one of the few things frogs are good at .
2 From the City came English Trust 's Susanna Todd , one of the few women directors of a merchant bank .
3 ‘ She was one of the few women Charles regarded as an equal , ’ one who witnessed their early meetings recalled .
4 This is one of the few Lakeland crags to face due north and receives virtually no sun whatsoever .
5 This is not really suited for binocular observation , but it is one of the few Mira variables easily found with binoculars when near maximum .
6 It was one of the few BBC radio shows which played to full houses .
7 He has achieved his success through his own talent , the support of his parents , and the skill and guidance of David Lloyd , the fiercely independent former British Davis Cup player whose mushrooming tennis centres have been one of the few success stories in British tennis in the last decade .
8 By then , however , he was alienated by the Rump 's lukewarm attitude to religious and civil reform , and when Oliver Cromwell expelled it he was one of the few London aldermen who approved .
9 Mr Keane is one of the few Ireland players to have won over 50 caps .
10 One of the few problems Julie and her husband faced was choosing tiles for the splashback .
11 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
12 Designworks is one of the few budget drawing packages that is n't derived from a larger , more expensive product .
13 Paradise Cars in Oxford is one of the few taxi firms run by women for women .
14 times Snaith was a busy port with a harbour and ferry across the river to Selby , one of the few Aire crossings in the area .
15 Nineteenth-century specialist François Perreau-Saussine of Galerie du Carrousel has dropped in , together with Nicolas Joly from Galerie Yves Mikaeloff who is presenting ten pre-cubist and cubist drawings by Andre Mare alongside seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works , including an early La Hyre and one of the few Nicolas Mignards still to be found outside the Louvre .
16 The alder is one of the few tree species to fix nitrogen on a significant scale ; one theory is that atmospheric and water enrichment with nitrogen is upsetting the delicate relationship between the trees and soil micro-organisms .
17 Equally coveted were a magnificent pair of Louis XVI ormolu-mounted Boulle marquetry and Japanese lacquer commodes by Etienne Levasseur which had the added distinction of being beautiful , practical and with an eighteenth-century provenance ( one of the few Patiño pieces with that distinction ) , made for the great connoisseur Pierre Louis-Paul Randon de Boisset .
18 If you enjoy the sensation of being an integral part of the driving experience , with all that that entails , then this 911 is one of the few road cars which still has what it takes to excite you .
19 It is one of the few stone galleries .
20 The hon. Lady is right — the tragedy is that Britain is one of the few member states which could have met the convergence conditions of the EMU almost immediately .
21 Coda Inc currently has seven offices in the US , and saw sales increase 49% to $10.6m , which , Turner reckons , makes it one of the few UK companies to have succeeded in such a notoriously dangerous market .
22 ‘ She 's very creative , ’ says PWL managing director David Howells , one of the few music industry figures who have seen Kylie 's work .
23 Billed as ‘ the silliest tour we 've done … very pantomime ’ , it 's one of the few winter tours selling well in a chilly economic climate — testimony again to the loyalty afforded the duo by their UK following .
24 It had been one of the few mistakes Gould had ever made .
25 Whether it was to share his moment of regret at the passing of time , or to express disillusion with Parkin himself — she had made some comment in the car about how he was one of the few television reporters she knew and respected — Dexter did not know .
26 Corporate finance specialists see insurance as one of the few growth areas in Europe in the short and medium term .
27 Our way was up to one of the few glacier tongues that was n't too steep and broken up by crevasses .
28 Historical comparisons between the results of the few surveillance studies of locally confined disease with results of treatment studies are not conclusive .
29 For a few seconds that stony-visaged politician looked kindly and I realised that , apart from his mistress , Benjamin was one of the few people Wolsey really loved .
30 I once watched a television documentary about St Kilda , during which they interviewed some of the few people living who had been born and had spent their youth on the island .
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