Example sentences of "of [art] next few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She had to think only of the next few hours .
2 ‘ We can no more see to the bottom of the next few hours , than we can see to the bottom of this river what I catches hold of .
3 The engine produces an uneven cacophony of rattles , misfires and exhaust bark which , together with the odd puff of oil smoke from the crankcase breather , do not exactly say to a pilot , ‘ You can trust me , chief ’ , nor instil any confidence in the outcome of the next few minutes .
4 I would have thought it was obvious to anyone that he never thinks further than the pleasures of the next few minutes .
5 The latter was to become the orthodoxy of the next few decades , whereas Collingwood died in 1943 virtually in the shadows , for more reasons than one .
6 It is difficult to know what of the next few seconds I remember , or have pieced together , or have been told by Nathan .
7 Suggestions that small and medium enterprises are going to find life particularly difficult in the labour market of the next few years are also made in a study of recruitment problems by the Local Economy Research Unit at Hatfield Polytechnic .
8 No one could foresee that over the course of the next few years the steel industry would be successfully reorganized and taken into the private sector .
10 He made over forty transcriptions of the sonnets ‘ as the best presents I could offer to those , who had in any way won my regard ’ , and in his own poetic experiments of the next few years found an important model in the work of the now-forgotten Wiltshire priest .
11 It has certainly reminded us that the decade is likely to be characterised by low growth and tight competition , and that retailers need to be positioned with a low cost base , flexible work-force and strong retail formats to meet the challenges of the next few years .
12 Another feature of the next few years may be that the stronger venture capital firms will get stronger as the industry levels off and greater competition for business drives down returns .
13 It is impossible to understand the events of Anselm 's years as archbishop — and more particularly the events of the next few years — unless this distinction between his public duty of preserving rights for which his office made him responsible , and his personal duty of obeying commands which he had heard and by implication assented to , is borne in mind .
14 The change of emphasis which is implied in this silence is confirmed by the negotiations of the next few years : Pascal was clearly already preparing a withdrawal from the extreme position adopted by his predecessor .
15 That is to say , whether or not records of achievement can coexist alongside GCSE or will , in the end , be defeated by it or perhaps even itself defeat GCSE will depend very largely on the curricular developments of the next few years .
16 When Nizan returned to France in January 1935 , he returned not disillusioned , chastened perhaps , but above all convinced of the necessity to become involved in the great moral crusade of the next few years , the struggle against fascism .
17 Not being detached for service in America , he probably spent most of the next few years in London .
18 The events of the next few years are recorded in considerable detail by Sidonius .
19 It is thus possible that in the course of the next few years Council will assign the headship for a period to the holder of the Halford Mackinder Professorship , who will among those carrying an obligation to serve if so requested .
20 A HAVEN Mr Alan Milburn , Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for the town , said the charter was ‘ a declaration of intent that will be fulfilled during the course of the next few years . ’
21 With the latter suffering from cancer and also therefore thought likely to resign soon , a new generation will have to guide Canada through the constitutional minefield of the next few years .
22 Standing back from the main road , surrounded by green grass , was the memorial to those men of the village and the surrounding hamlets who had died during the Great War , and behind the memorial was the primary school which I was going to join in the course of the next few days .
23 The events of the next few days could expose them cruelly .
24 BOTH America and Britain will probably run current-account surpluses in one of the next few months .
25 The community was to be governed according to the principle of ‘ Pantisocracy ’ — a word invented by Coleridge meaning ‘ equal rule by all ’ — and in the course of the next few months Pantisocracy in its broad details was discussed and argued into existence .
26 He embarked soon after on his long verse-tragedy Osorio , a story ‘ romantic & wild & somewhat terrible ’ , which he set in Spain at the time of the Inquisition , but which was to draw , at least to a small extent , on his Quantock and Exmoor wanderings of the next few months .
27 During the course of the next few months I uncovered a tale of wickedness and depravity hard to credit .
28 Meanwhile Chris Protheroe , who spent much of the next few months at the massive Boeing plant in Seattle , was trying to discover the origin of the fatigue fracture of the stabilizer rear spar top chord .
29 The September issue of Harpers & Queen marks the start of the new fashion season : a time when we look ahead to the autumn and pinpoint the directions of the next few months .
30 He probably left for Wales in November 1469 and may have spent most of the next few months there .
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