Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The conference , organised by the World Bank and European Investment Bank and successor to one held in Barcelona in 1989 , aimed to draw up a programme of technical assistance to protect the Mediterranean from pollution .
2 She comments on the role of women in contemporary American society , using a variety of technical tricks to reveal the ‘ feminine ’ nature of objects that crop up regularly in day-to-day life .
3 In addition to clear definitions of energy , power as the rate at which energy flows , and efficiency which is any ratio of energy flows , Odum and Odum ( 1976 ) propose three principles of energy flows ; the law of conservation of energy ; the law of degradation of energy which introduces entropy as a measure of technical disorder to signify the extent to which energy is unable to do work ; and the principle that systems which use energy best survive , which is the maximum power principle or minimum energy expenditure principle .
4 An alternative approach to measuring content validity involves the use of correlational procedures to determine the extent to which performance on each item is associated with the overall test score .
5 External factors have also stimulated deforestation : these include the increasing importance of cash crops which are exported to earn foreign currency , increased logging activities and the establishment of extensive ranches to satisfy the wood and meat requirements respectively of the developed world .
7 But , above all , there were two new bodies to tackle the fundamental problem of Britain 's long-term economic decline , a Ministry of Technology to harness research and development to industry , and a Department of Economic Affairs to break the Treasury monopoly of advice .
8 British fascism was born of the failure of economic conservatism to check the rapid decline of Britain in the inter-war years .
9 At the same time the imperative of economic growth to minimize the contradictions of capital , creates an apparent dependence on the logic of scientific and technological progress .
10 Bret Schundler , the new mayor of Jersey City , seems to be a quite normal Republican of the Jack Kemp mode , the type whose belief in the ability of economic growth to balance the budget does not commend them to Mr Perot .
11 Having refurbished two bits of year-old evidence to support the new Libyan thesis , he now weighed in with a two-year-old intelligence report about a meeting in Tripoli before the bombing — in mid-November 1988 — at which the Libyans were said to have taken over responsibility for the attack from the PFLP — GC after Jibril 's West German cell was broken up .
12 Perhaps it is better , rather than roaming back into the recesses of geological time to consider the sudden and simultaneous extinctions that happened in Our geological yesterday .
13 Reports in early April , covering the Rao-Wickremasingh meeting , noted the Indian government 's desire to bring LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran to justice over the May 1991 assassination of Rajiv Gandhi [ see p. 38175 ] ( although no specific request had been made to Sri Lanka ) , and the claim that the LTTE planned a further series of assassinations in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu to counter the state government 's clampdown on its activities there .
14 The power resources of bureaucracies combine with what Wright has called the ‘ political incapacity of non-bureaucrats ’ ( 1978 , p. 225 ) — that is , the inability of political institutions to exercise the control and direction of bureaucracy which the classical liberal theory of the state presumes — so as to give bureaucracy a prominent role in policy-making .
15 They have been established in recognition of the fact that it is pointless to wait for public sympathy and a change of political will to improve the level of basic old age pensions , and the quality of life for older people generally .
16 She added : ‘ I am no prude , but I was deeply shocked that such material is now widely available largely because of the lack of political will to tackle the weakness of the Obscene Publications Act . ’
17 The major inhibiting factor , referred to elsewhere in this text , is the lack of political will to reform the general framework of financial management , and to define more clearly the scope of programme objectives .
18 The accord allowed for ( i ) the ratification of the March 1990 Oslo accord to seek peace through political means [ see p. 37372 ] ; ( ii ) the promotion of democracy via constitutional and judicial reforms in order to incorporate all political and social sectors in a society based on respect for the law and the independence of the state , and capable of providing for general welfare , social justice and independent economic development ; ( iii ) the incorporation of the URNG into the main political process and its participation in a National Constituent Assembly to be convened by the political parties in 1991 ; and ( iv ) periodic meetings between the URNG and representatives of political parties to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of the peace process .
19 Finally , ‘ payment by results ’ has been interpreted to exemplify a state-controlled curriculum , the deliberate use of political power to mould the minds of the young .
20 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
21 Like the labour movement in its formative period — like Chartism , or the early trade unions , or the utopian communities — the social movements of the 1960s were movements of liberation seeking an adequate doctrine and mode of political action to combat the most oppressive features of the societies in which they developed ; thus they directed their activities variously against colonial rule , domination by external economic powers , the rule of feudal-military elites , ethnic subordination , the subjection of women , or the domination of society by a rigid , centralized and bureaucratic apparatus .
22 Prime ministerial manipulation of the machine in the UK ( Pollitt , 1984 ) , and the battles between presidents and Congresses over the structure of the machine in the USA , illustrate the capacity of political elites to reorganize the state ( subject to internal disagreements and objectives amongst the relevant elites ) .
23 If the Moon also lost most of its craters from the final stages of formation then the apparent failure on Mercury of post-formation bombardment to saturate the intercrater plains may seem to indicate that Mercury was exposed to a less numerous population of small bodies than the Moon .
24 To develop a range of profitable ventures to augment the income of the HCIMA and to provide a surplus of 2 per cent of the total revenue .
25 Mir Jafar 's generosity completely transformed the process by which the Company 's employees conducted a certain amount of private business to supplement the Company 's meagre retaining fee and enjoy a satisfactory income .
26 The design strategy is to define the possible information content of a message in terms of the necessary minimum of variations , then to design the structure so that it has a maximum content of standardized information and requires the minimum number of specific triggers to identify the variation to be conveyed .
27 Nowadays , the results of nearly all such surveys are plotted by computer , which offers a wide range of diagrammatic methods to portray the results .
28 A platoon commander in the 3rd Parachute Battalion , he was among the only company of Allied soldiers to reach the bridge where he and his comrades came under heavy fire .
29 There are many available from non-governmental sources , too , for it was an important achievement of European culture to invent the social survey and social studies and they have proliferated since 1880 .
30 Isabell Werth on Fabienne just beat her German compatriot Sven Rothenberger with Ideaal in a battle of European champions to take the Volvo Dressage World Cup .
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